Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Does anyone know of a really good hair, skin and nail vitamin that I can take?

Ever since I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins my skin has been crappy. Its oily, uneven, large pores and I do get the occassional breakout. I purchased the Neutrogena Microderm kit and I've only used it so far for like 5 days and the texture of my skin is much smoother and my pores are smaller but I guess it will take a little time to even out my skin. I have some hyperpigmentation spots. I have also purchased Peter Thomas Roth acne clearing gel which seems to be working pretty well. It has 10% glycolic acid and 2% beta hydroxy acid but it doesn't irritate my skin. Its sort of expensive...$45 but its made for adult acne. I tried all the Clean and Clear, Clearasil, etc and I believe that stuff is meant for tweens/teens. Anyway, I need a really good vitamin to help improve my skin and hair. I stopped the prenatals because I don't breast feed and they were making me hungry...well the hungry thing could be hormonal...I don't know. Thanks in advance..

Does anyone know of a really good hair, skin and nail vitamin that I can take?
green tea or omega 3 are good ones. Take my advice, it might take a bit, but you will see the difference.
Reply:this sounds kind of weird, but actually prenatal vitamins work good for me! i took them for a while to get my hair to grow after i got a really bad cut and my hair grew about 2 inches in a month - no joke! it was awesome! but anyway i hope this helps you out!
Reply:vitamin e
Reply:The best vitamin u can take on the face of the earth is pre-natel vitamins, I'm not sure if u have too have a script, i know some vitamin stores carry them.

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