Friday, August 20, 2010

How often a week should you use astringent on your face?

I am 27 yrs old and I am getting adult acne and it's not attractive at all can anyone help me on how to get rid of the ugliness?

How often a week should you use astringent on your face?
You should stop using regular drug store astringent after you hit sixteen! It's overdrying and after a while your skin can no longer handle it. It's going to make the acne worse by forcing your skin to produce more oil.

My advice is to stick to a gentle skin care regimen. If that means spending more money, do it. Kohl's has a great line of facial care products called "Good Skin". I use the blue kind, for oily/acne prone skin. There's also different lines for different types of skin. If you go there the beauty consultant is always happy to help you make a good choice. And...they usually give out free samples of the products. Make sure to exfoliate regularly, and use oil-free and alcohol free cleansers and toners.

If you have a serious blemish problem (like I had a few years ago), you should see a dermo. I was breaking out horribly on my cheeks, and he put me on a low dosage of oral antibiotics and skin cream. Now I rarely, if EVER, get pimples! My complexion has cleared up dramatically.

*Edit* Proactiv is crap. I used it for a while and it irritated my skin like crazy. I wouldn't waste my money. All hype.
Reply:Proactive works well or that new blemish pen that emits blue and red light. It is supposed to get rid of a pimple over night. It is very expensive about $180.00 or so.I heard it works well.
Reply:Astringent is best for an oily complexion. If you're looking for a great adult acne fix, loreal makes a great at-home face peel kit that you can use up to 3 times a week. It's about $24 and you can find it at any local pharmacy or grocery store. It works wonders and it's specially made for adult skin.
Reply:I reccommend your going to a licensed dermatologist and getting put on prescription acne meds, creams, body washes, soaps, etc. There's a lot out there and doctors will try as many as it takes until you see results. My boyfriend did and his acne virtually disappeared in a matter of months. Doctors can give you alpha peels which remove much of the scarring and acne at the surface. You may also want to try Proactiv solution [the acne stuff always on infomercials]. Unfortunately, 99% of the crap they sell in pharmacies and supermarkets won't work on extreme cases b/c it is diluted and not concentrated enough. That is why you need to go to dermatologists to get the stronger, and thus more expensive, stuff.

good luck to you! =) remember: acne may be "ugly", but it doesn't mean that YOU are!
Reply:try a glycolic based skin care line astringent is usually alcohol based and can make acne worse despite what you may hear alcohol only makes any skin worse choose alcohol free toner. some glycolic lines are jan marini , mdformulations, md forte. or proactive i would try first its an investment with any goos skincare line but your face should be worth it
Reply:You can always ask a dermatologist first. It saves alot of trouble. They usually recommend benzoyl peroxcide.
Reply:Answer to question #1, how often to use astringent= NEVER

They tend to contain alcohol and while this initially removes oil from the skin (which feels good) your cells sense that there is no oil (which is created to protect the skin) and the message goes out to make more oil.

Question #2 = Adult acne can have several causes. Drinking milk, especially low-fat or fat-free milk has been linked to increased acne (a recent study proved the connection). Another cause can be hormone changes, often acne appears or disappears during pregnancy. Good skin care products and habits are absolutely essential. The first advice I give to all my clients is to never, never, NEVER go to bed without cleansing the skin. Your skin "feeds" itself at night and anything left on it will be absorbed deep into the cells. Washing the next day is too late to stop the damage. Once a breakout occurs it can take a full "skin cycle" which is 28 days to recover. In other words, going to bed without cleansing just one day a month is enough to maintain constant breakouts! Avoiding soaps and products containing mineral oil is also very important.

I would probably recommend Arbonne's Intelligence line for your skin and maybe the Clear Advantage supplement.


If you visit my site and email me, I can send you a sample of this system.
Reply:If it's part of a system (like the 3 steps for proactive, where they all work together) just once a day would be best- and probably at night, not in the morning. It's hard to avoid using because it's supposed to exfoliate your skin and even out your complexion, but usually it's not worth it. Toner dries out your skin, causing it to produce even more oil- and acne. Instead, use gentle scrubs and a mask once or twice a week to clear up acne. Also, moisturize with an oil free lotion so your skin doesn't dry out. It'll keep your complexion even.


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