Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Need help to Cleanse my liver...?

due to earlier question regarding adult acne one reader suggested I cleanse my liver - ok so now how do I do that??? what is good to eat/drink (prefer not to take too many pills)

they did suggest milk thistle (which probably isnt readily available in the grocery we have out here (I am in the country 1 hour from city) so what regular grocery store type stuff will help


Need help to Cleanse my liver...?
If you are going to rely on eating the cleansing agents, then you'd better be prepared for two to six months of consistent dietary changes before you'll feel any effect.

You can access a number of liver detoxification products through online health stores. This is probably the best and easiest route, since you live so far from town.

I tell you from experience, it's best to use high quality, guaranteed potency herbal extracts (which are a liquid form to be added to warm water - not pills), rather than solid food for liver cleanse. It's much more convenient, and quicker.

I suggest you do a bit of research first. Brand names of herbal extracts that I've used and recommend are, Gaia Herbs, Herbs Etc, and NOW products.

You can purchase these brands from many online sites.

Also, there are some online health assessment questionnaires that you can complete to help you get a better idea of what cleansing agents you should use.

***Online assessment is in no way a reliable substitution for a health evaluation from a certifed Naturopath or Dietician. But it is a good research tool to help point you in the right direction.

One permanent, simple life change you can make to help keep your liver healthier is to always add dandelion greens to your salad. And, make sure to eat raw, fresh leafy green every day.

Wishing you bountiful health!


I understand your frustration about wanting a direct answer to your direct question. The answer is: You can only perform liver cleansing by the 'JUST EATING REGULAR GROCERIES METHOD' with a significant time commitment, and sustained dietary changes. Hence, the reason why the answers you've received reference some product or another.

The quickest way to liver cleansing with only groceries is to buy loads of fresh, organic veggies - including: garlic, onions, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beets (root and leaves), black radish, red peppers, cabbage, asparagus, wheat grass, leafy greens including dandelion, various sprouts and several small, fresh lemons. Commit to a weekend juice fast. Use a juicer (not a blender ... a juicer gets much more of the nutrition close to the skin) to juice down all but the lemon. Spend Sat %26amp; Sun alternating between the fresh vegetable juice, and lemon water using fresh lemon.

Depending on the state of your liver and its toxicity, you may need to repeat the juice cleansing several times. It's alot of work to do it this way, that's to say nothing of the expense. You really might find purchasing high potency liquid herbals from the internet far more convenient, and ulitmately less expensive. Good luck.

Just eat regular square meals with lots of fruit and vegies.

DON'T experiment with drugs!

(that includes all those hip%26amp;chic diet supplements.)
Reply:try to get a hold of the "seven day miracle cleanse" on ebay or something like that.it cleans the whole inside of your body, on only a 10 day preperation and you only need to eat herbs for the prep. and its just taking pills for the real seven days, plus they give you a tub of herbal tea with it.but follow the directions more than me. but look it up if it cleans your liver i think it does but im not sure. it still is amazing though, try it. oh and just to warn you its pretty expensive.
Reply:my grandmother told me to take charco-tabs. its charcoal, which is a great filter, but its ingestable.
Reply:ROCKSTAR Energy drink has milk thistle in it, so I read on the can. It sells for a bout $2.50 to $3 bucks for a 16 oz. can. Look in into it. I had never heard of milk thistle myself until I was reading the ingredients on this energy drink can.

Here's the link:


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