Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where do you start in diagnosing female issues without seeing a doctor?

I am a 37 year old female.I have been experiencing breast tenderness, extra drainage and different menstrual cycles. Some cycles are heavy. Some are light. I experience headaches with some. The flow is heavy one day, then barely spot, then nothing, then more spotting. It lasts the same duration every month. (5-7 days) Any ideas on where to start? The last blood work I had done was in Sept.2007 and everything was in the normal ranges. I also have adult acne which flares up with the hormone changes, but never completely goes away. Is there other options than taking the expensive pill every month to regulate hormones, if that even is the problem.

Where do you start in diagnosing female issues without seeing a doctor?
sounds like early menopause
Reply:This happens to me as well. I am 35 and had a tubal after my son was born almost 13 years ago. I was told it is normal after a tubal but a good hormone pill is about the only way to help it. If you don't plan on having more kids, you might consider a hysterectomy. good luck
Reply:Could be more than menopause....dermoid cysts also cause these kind of symptoms....happened to this 37 year old this year. You really should get it checked. Hormones change just as much in your 30's. You may have a hormone imbalance...that would explain some of the acne. Hope you feel better.

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