I'm a 23 year old male, that's 6'3" and 129 lbs. I need to slow my metabolism down so that I can gain weight. I should be between 155 to 170 lbs. I checked my BMI (Body-Mass Index) it's 16.2 kg/m2. My BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is 1670 kcals/day. I'm eating about 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day, and with no change in weight.
I also have high testosterone levels. Deep voice, still growing, and mild adult acne. I know that soy products have estergine (I don't what to become a woman or grow boobs). I just want to lower my testosterone level to maybe lower the rate of my metabolism, and be a healthy weight.
(Any info will help).
Many Thanks.
Fast Metabolism?
Hi Jacob! Calm down! At 23, it is impossible for you to still be growing. You sound like you may have a Hyperthyroid.. My husband is 5'11 and weight 115 (his sibling are thin too)
So for him it is a family trait to be extremely thin. Is anyone in your family very thin? Were you as this when you were a child, teenager? You need to go see an endocriologist. This is a Doc. that specializes in hormones. Voice your concerns and ask to have a thorough blood test that will check if your thyroid is overproducing thyroid hormones. When your thyroid is overactive, your metabolism speeds up, your heartrate is faster, and since the thyroid pretty much controls your body, it can have an effect on skin, hair, sleep etc. So, please just to put your mind at ease, go see a Dr. and lift weights to build healthy muscle mass. For extra calories, don't eat junk, have more carbs and at least one protein shake a day! Good Luck Jacob!
Reply:take pre-natal vitamins? Or women vitamins of some sort. maybe idk good question tho
Reply:A product like Carnation Breakfast Anytime could help you gain weight. Its a drink thats basically a meal but if you drink it and eat its like having two meals. Plus it has lots of the vitamins you need in a day. I have to drink it to stay a healthy weight because of my metabolism and i dontthink its different for a guy.
Reply:Creatine and Glutamine both can help put on some weight. Working out will help build muscle which helps increase weight not fat. You are very fortunate to have such a high metabolism. It will decrease as you get older and your body will slow down in a few years. I would not rush it though as your time will come. I would not take estrogen to counter act the high testosterone.
My step mother would always make fun of me because i am tall, and was very thin (like a tooth pick), and she wondered when i was going to put on some weight. I did when i hit 30 and got married. Enjoy it while you can.
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