I burn and then tan, so I suppose I am "light" - "medium" that last for about a week and looks generally natrual?
What are the best sunless tanners (at good prices.) and how would sunless tanners affect adult acne?
If I want to go out and get a real tan, how would I go about getting an even tan all over? (including my face)?
Sunless Tanners / Sun Tanning?
I've heard Clinique has good sunless tanners. Anything that has any kind of oil may affect the acne, I have that problem with sunblock too. You should avoid real tanning entirely, it is just oo dangerous. People are getting skin cancer younger and younger now, so it's not just a "Oh, I'm not worrying about 30 years from now" anymore. I know a girl that had skin cancer and she is in her early 20's.
Reply:The best sunless tan is from the Mystic Tan that you can get at a salon. Not sure about how it would affect acne, but you can ask the person at the salon, they should know!
Reply:hmm u need proper skin care for that
Reply:hi! i too have a light/medium skin tone and burn easily in the sun. What I do is get the mystic tan. There's some salons around me that actually spray it on for you--you don't go into the booth like at some places. I REALLY like how it looks, and it doesn't get all over your clothes and stuff. Plus since someone else is doing it they can see all the spots you might miss if you tried to do it yourself with a lotion or something. You can usually get one done for about $20 maybe cheaper depending on where you live.
Not sure how it will effect your skin. I use proactiv and my skin's been really good. Maybe you'd want to try that?? Not sure what you've tried :)
Hope that helps!
Reply:I have the same type of skin. I usually just go to the tanning beds since sun usually just burns. If I want to get a really good tan and keep it....I would go 3x/week. 2 times in the bed and one in the booth (you stand up in it). That really gave me a beautiful tan and i bought the tans in a package deal so it wasn't that expensive. I don't usually like dealing with fake sprays and lotions.
I tan only in the winter so that the color will last all summer, excessive tanning is gross.
I have acne, it cleared up right away using the tanning beds!!
Reply:Tanning beds are definately not even an option, because they are the most unhealthy for sun/uv exposure. Fake tanners are of course, safe, but the results never turn out well. Either orange tones or streakyness or several other problems can come up with the self-application process. Nothing beats good 'ole, fun in the sun style, laying out. Contrary to popular belief, there are safe methods to work on your tan in the natural sunlight. If you use the proper UV protection, you can both prevent the develpment of milignant dermal carcinoma and get your skin darker. When you tan, your skin becomes darker as a defense and when you use no protection against UV rays, your skins defense system doesn't turn off leading to the mutation of skin cells. An SPF of 20 or so is perfectly safe, and with time, you're skin will become a beautiful golden brown, even if you are naturally fair skinned. Trust me, I still have really blonde hair into my twenties with blue eyes and EXTREMELY fair skin, and I tan every year. Time is the key, don't overdo it, just pay attention to the signs of burning, and enjoy the warm rays!!
Reply:I go to the tanning salon and do it there...its just a spray. It dosent make my skin break out...
Reply:Tanning indoors will clear up any acne you have and will get you tann with out burning because your and a timer. the best sunless tanner i would have to say is the one carried by Chanel but it has SPF also most - all sunless tanners will make acne worst
Reply:If you want a real tan do NOT get burnt. All the evidence suggests that over-exposure gives an increased risk of skin cancer. There is really no other way than 'little and often'.
Personally I almost never use sun lotion because I believe it causes cancer by reducing sunburn and thus making people think they can stay out in the sun far longer than is actually safe. Any cancer nurse will tell you that if you want a tan, it's better to spend 30 minutes in the sun with no sunscreen than 4 hours with SPF 8, regardless of the fact that you're supposedly getting the equivalent exposure in both cases.
I don't usually have more than about an hour or 90 minutes of sun exposure per day, but I start this as early in the year as it's warm enough to go out and I get a good even tan all over (nude, of course) which lasts all summer. That's my recommendation.
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