Hey everyone.. my name is Amanda... and I'm 19 years old. All my life I have had clear skin... like virtually...
Then about two months ago.. my skin gradually started to break out... like more that your average little blemish here or there... I don't understand it because I never had to worry about my skin before.. it's starting to make me feel really self concious (sp? sryy.. I can't spell for my life. lol) and not to sound weird.. but I think it's actually making me depressed..
CAn anyone maybe give me a reason to why this would be happening? Any advice would really make me feel better....
Thanks sooo much!
About acne developing in adults..?
Hi Mandy
Here is an unusual but very effective method to heal many issues (especially skin). Also whatever you focus on in life you attract. If you focus more on acne issues instead of healthy habits%26lt; you will have more acne issues. Just focus on the positives of life because that is what you want correct? The universe knows what you dont want. Be thankful everyday and focus on the bright and healthy future.
Mouth %26amp; Gum Disease; Stiff Joints; Allergies; Asthma; Acne, High Blood Sugar; Constipation; Migraines; Bronchitis; Eczema; Heart, Kidney, Lung Diseases; Leukemia; Arthritis; Meningitis; Insomnia; Menopause (hormonal issues); Cancer; AIDS; Chronic Infections; Varicose Veins; High Blood Pressure; Diabetes; Polio; Cracked Heels,.
Here's are a few paragraphs from Bharat Savur's article on The Hindu Business Online
..."When Dr Karsch examined the swished milk-white oil under a microscope with 600 magnification, he saw live organisms swimming in it. It's poisonous, so never swallow it, he warns. These poisons are bacteria-embryos, which, if not eliminated, cause diseases. Apparently, Dr Karsch cured his own chronic blood disease and 15-year-old arthritis.
The first sign of improvement is in the teeth-they become firm and white, he says. Other healing indications: fresh, relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, anew appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep.
Dr Karsch swears by the mouth oil-wash for anything from organ-disorders, skin-diseases, menstrual problems, paralysis to every ache and it is in the human anatomy. You can swish even when you have fever, he says, adding, it takes anything from two days to a year to cure a disease.
And if these claims sound exaggerated, he told a conference of Ukrainian cancer specialists, try out the process yourself.
Interestingly, Ayurveda advises oil swishing "to purify the taste-buds and the entire system", as explained by Dr Deepak Chopra in Perfect Health.
According to this life science, the tongue is mapped by organ-locations — that is, each section of the tongue is connected to the kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, pancreas, small intestines, stomach, colon, and spine.
Thus, an oil-mouth-massage soothes and stimulates the key meridians where taste meets organ. Simultaneously, as in any skin-massage, the inner skin and lining of the mouth, palate and tongue become warm and supple and the lubrication prevents dryness (the vatic effect).
In modern dietetics too, dryness is discussed.
For example, lack of Vitamin A (retinal) causes the outer lining of the eyeball to dry and wrinkle, and affects vision.
And as any dietician would tell you, all oils contain 960 micrograms of vitamin A per 10 gm (the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A per adult is 600 micrograms). So, it's possible that oil gargling helps in reaching the required retinal to the eyeballs and keeps them elastic and smooth.
Likewise, the Ayurvedic `purification of taste-buds' also has its equivalent in dietetics as `antioxidants'. Oxidation literally means `the putrefaction of body-tissues'.
And oil-soluble vitamins, A, C, D, and E are antioxidants that protect and prevent the decaying process and help maintain the integral functioning of cell membranes. That's why many people are ingesting vitamin E pills to stem `aging' (oxidation). "
Here is the link to learn more about OP
Best of health to you
Reply:Hey... Thanks for all your help.. to everyone!!!!!!!! Report It
Reply:many adult women suffer from ance due to the changes in their hormone levels. i started breaking out in my late 20's - so the best advice i can give, is see a dermatologist. and yes, it's very common to suffer from depression from breakouts. not only does it make you self concious, but we all know women are judged on their appearances more then men, so we get the added pleasure of that pressure. i'm sure it's a hormonal thing. did you start on the pill recently, or switch b/c? that could be a cause as well. best bet in any situation is seeing a doctor, since as adults, it's usually a hormone issue.
Reply:Acne develops for a number of reasons. It could be that your hormone levels have changed in a different way or that your skin is now more prone to hosting P. acnes, the bacteria responsible for most acne. Is your skin drier now? If it cracks or has other micro-injuries, this helps P. acnes to inflame your skin in certain spots around your face.
Reply:Check with Dr. Can be adult acne, stress/hormones, or Rosacea...I have Rosacea and the medicine I use actually helps make acne go away/prevent. Nice skin now :)
(Er, a side note someone said that if you forget to wash pillow case that residual oils can build up and get on skin along with bacteria....wash pillow case often...)
Reply:Hey,don't worry.all these things happened in life.Pl avoid the use of spicy as well as the high amount of sugar in ur daily diet and use fresh fruits like papaya,citrus and also rose water.InshAllah u will be recover ur old skin.keep smilling and respect the elder and tender to ur yuongster.
Reply:YOu can be breaking out from a number of reasons. Stress, hormones, products.....it could be anything. See a dermotologist and suggest Tazorac cream and use a gentle cleanser....Mario Badescu has some great face washes for acne. You can find them online. And most importantly.....do not pick or squeeze, this is the ultimate way for acne to spread.
Hope this helped!
Reply:I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.
Here is a link :
If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.
Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.
There is some support groups at MSN , and yahoo, and I am open for questions!
I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.
Pimples is a unique skin disorder.Pimples are lesions that occur when the skin’s pores are obstructed or infected.They can form for a variety of reasons.However,the mechanism involved in causing some pores to collapse and block drainage of natural oils is not really understood. Pimples may also crop up for genetic reasons. It is not clear how it can be inherited from one’s parents, but studies do indicate a high occurrence of pimples in children whose parents had it,too.
The pimples associated with adolescence almost certainly occur because of hormonal changes that take place during puberty. Both males and females get an overdose of the male hormone testosterone during this period,causing excessive generation of sebaceous fluids that invariably cause pimples.
1.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. Regular washing of the affected areas with mild soap is a must.The soap need not necessarily contain any chemicals designed to prevent pimples .However, face washing should not be overdone or the skin will become dehydrated .
2.Care should be taken on makeup,moisturizers and other skin care products.If these products are oil based,it would just make the problem worse. Use water based products instead.
3.Generally we rub, press or squeeze our pimples.Don’t when we do this,we risk spreading the bacteria to other areas.
4.Lemon juice diluted in water can be applied externally because of its antiseptic
5.Tea Tree oil can also be applied directly to infected pores.
6.Vitamin A tablets are also a natural and effective cure. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin.
7.Before bathing, apply a mixture of fresh tomato pulp, honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off.
8.Juice of raw papaya is the best treatment for pimples.Apply fresh juice of raw papaya on pimples and get a good result.
9.Directly rub potato slices all over the face, helps to get rid of blemishes and
pimple scar.
10.Drink plenty of water and vegetable or fruit juices.
11.Use cucumber or other fruit and vegetable packs to cure pimple scars.
12.Maintain a diet that is rich in cottage cheese, salads, fresh juices, fish and
yogurt.These help to cleanse your system and ward off pimples.
13.Another overnight home remedy for pimples is to put a dab of toothpaste on it to help dry it out. Calamine lotion also will have the same drying effect.
14.Pound orange peel with water and apply to affected areas.
15.Another useful remedy for pimples is zinc. Which can be taken in a dose of 50 mg daily for a month and then reduce the dose.
16.You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as an overnight home pimple remedy.
17.Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash.
Finally,certain medications may temporarily alter the hormonal changes prevalent during adolescence and cause pimple outbreaks. If this is the case, a simple adjustment in medication may be all that is required.
I actually found a facial oil that slows down your skins oil production, clears up pimples/ acne and dissolves black heads within 4-8 weeks I put all the info on my blog as it's quite detailed:
I also put a full article of how to extract blackheads and steam your skin.
Black heads are basically a hardened oil mixture that was secreted from your pores and oxidized (which makes the outside part black) and since water and oil don't mix, no water based product can "clean" your blackheads away, just try say putting certain foundations or makeups on the mirror and if you wipe it with water it smudges all over but put a little baby oil and wipe and tada! it comes off super clean AND dissolves it. So this is basically how this oil works. It's composition is such that the skin accepts it as a healing oil and it does not clog your skin but rather protects it while the plant extracts inside go down into the pores (this absorption is made possible by applying the toner to the skin before applying the oil and then applying the dabs of oil over your moistened face), it then penetrates into the pores.
I put where to the name of the oil and prices in stores versus on eBay as well as how to apply it on my blog:
Also you may want to Google Drying Lotion by Mario Badescu.
Take care and good luck!
Reply:Maybe you've developed an allergy to food or a product you are using. Try eliminating certain things from you diet one food group at a time for at least two weeks. If you don't see an improvement there, change up your detergents and make-up to see what happens.
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