Saturday, July 24, 2010

What's the best facewash for acne-prone adults?

Try the Mary Kay skin care line with customized skin care products for acne. The best thing to with your skin is always to keep it clean as well as treating the breakouts. This helps prevent breakouts.

There are five steps to basic skin care not including the acne treatment gel I would have you try.

1. Cleanse

2. Exfoliate

3. Tone/Freshen

4. Moisturize

5. Protect

The Mary Kay 3 in 1 cleanser can do the first three steps in one. The fifth step is protect. You want to use an oil free foundation. When your skin is protected with foundation you can wash off the impurities that your skin catches in the air. The foundation catches the irritants and impurities instead of them getting into your pores causing further breakouts. Mary Kay is satasfaction guaranteed. So if you try it and it doesnt work for you you can get different products or your money back.

Also it is so important that when you are using skin care you use one line be it Mary Kay or Avon or a Walmart brand. They are formulated to work with one another. Mixing products not designed to work together can cause reactions in some people. ;) Hope this was helpful!! if you need anything else to check out the line


What's the best facewash for acne-prone adults?
I like Neutrogena which has a variety of washes to choose from--it's not overdrying. And actually, regardless of what regimen you choose--because I've actually been using the Mary Kay cleansing system for years and use Neutrogena as a back up when I run out, which is seldom--if you use it consistently and as directed, your acne should decrease significantly. You may want/need to alter your diet as well as you may have reactions to certain foods.
Reply:I used to have very bad acne. I now just use regular soap and a loufa (a good subsitute is the buf puf). The soap helps loosen everything up but the loufa sheads all the dead skin cells off. My skin looks tons better now.

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