Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can Duac and Doxycycl make acne worse?

For the past two months I've been taking 100mg Doxycycl and using topicall Duac 1x a day to treat adult acne. My acne seems to have gotten worse - I'm not getting any whiteheads, but I seem to be getting large cysts, which I didn't before - and I'm getting them outside of my T-zone, which is new also. Has anyone else had this happen??? Thanks.

Can Duac and Doxycycl make acne worse?
YES!!! I changed to proactiv.

I'm on both

its supposed to get worse at first, then it begins to clear up

Duac is a bit stronger than proactiv (thats what i started on first) Report It

Reply:Try ProActiv or ClearPores. You may need to consult a dermatologist

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