Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does acne usually get more severe before it settles down?

I mean, a hormonal-teenage-acne. Not adult acne. When I was around 12 I had a few on my forehead, then it gradually spread around, and now it's worse as ever but hopefully within the next 3 years it'll go away because I'm 15 and almost able to escape puberty? lol. i use proactiv which helps control it but its gotten really severe but i heard somewhere that it gets that way before it slowly goes away. i hope so! dont wanna be a pizza face when i go to college to party lol jk

Does acne usually get more severe before it settles down?
Proactiv is not necessarily helping your cause. It treats the skin topically, but not systemically and by using benzoyl peroxide and other harsh things to cleanse your skin, you may be doing more harm than good (have you noticed your towels and pillow cases fading from the peroxide in the products?).

There are several ways to help teen acne aside from getting a good sulfate-free skincare regimen:

1. Drink lots of water (64oz) to help flush out impurities in your system.

2. Don't touch your face - our hands are so dirty and carry so much bacteria and oils, we should keep them away from our faces as much as possible.

3. Disinfect your phone handset or cellphone often.

4. Eat plenty of fruit (get your body full of healthy antioxidants).

5. You may be allergic to you laundry soap.

6. You may not be washing your pillow cases often enough.

7. You should stick to a good skincare regimen, washing your face twice daily (morning and evening) and after sweating.

8. You may be allergic to dairy, yeast, or chocolate - try to determine if you have any food allergies.

Hormones rage during our teen years and do cause some acne flare ups, but they are not always the underlying cause of acne.
Reply:for me thats true. mine goes in fases tho like one week ill be all clear and then right b4 my period i get horrible brakeouts. then they clear up.

dunno if thats the same thing but they were really bad at one point in my life and then they calmed down a bit.
Reply:no not really for me actually.
Reply:Your skin may be becomming unresponsive to the medication you are using. I had terrible acne as a teen and really never found anything that worked. Contact your dermatologist and see what they recommend.
Reply:yes, when it gets the worst around the time of the month, the next week its so much better
Reply:yes, it does get severe before it settles down. just keep your face clean, and you'll grow out of it.
Reply:I tried Proactive and it made my face dry - not to mention it has some pretty harsh chemicals in it. I like Arbonne's Clear Advantage Acne line - it has a cleanser, toner, and lotion and a vitamin that clears the toxins out of your skin. It's made out of botanical/herbs and has zinc in it which heals your skin faster. They also offer a 45 day money back guarantee.
Reply:go to they have lots of good links to products you can use!Hope this helps!

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