Friday, August 20, 2010

My rocesea started at age 16.. isnt that a bit young?

Im not 18 and its permanent and ALOT worse.. Isnt it a little young to be getting "adult acne"?

My rocesea started at age 16.. isnt that a bit young?
Rocesea is an incurable condition affecting fourteen million Americans.

Typically, signs of rosacea begin to appear after a person's thirtieth birthday. These first signs show as reddened patches of skin. Over time, the red patches can develop small bumps or thickened bumps within them. The disorder can also cause the skin to have a flushed appearance.Although there is no cure for rosacea, proper skin care can keep flare-ups minimal. Rosacea is not contagious and most experts believe it is caused by an underlying condition involving overactive blood vessels. Many dermatologists recommend the use of a hypoallergenic facial wash in the mornings to prevent rosacea flare-ups.
Reply:Avoid all forms of heat and avoid hot water on your face. This includes the heat of the sun. Heat causes redness(erythema) and thin skin (atrophy). Your goal should be to keep the skin cool. Spray your skin with cool water when you feel your face getting hot while exercising or drinking alcohol, spicy food, etc. Be aware that steroid creams will thin the skin more. Suntan lotions and some skin moisturisers contain oil that clog your pores and will make your skin redder.


What if I don't take these antibiotics?

For adult acne. Darn thing makes me feel dizzy and headachy for the rest of the night. I am not allergic to it. I just don't like the effect.

Is is really that important. Nothing else helps, but maybe it will somehow clear on its own. I dunno.

What if I don't take these antibiotics?
You are having side effects. Talk to your doctor about it. If it is persistant, you could actually be allergic to it. But the doctor can give you something better.

Another thing you can do is use the over the counter things. The best thing that has always helped me is Avon's acne cleansers for teens. That stuff works really really good. And its not that expensive. Im predisposed to acne myself and thats the ONLY thing that ever helped me. They have the wash, peel off mask (that feels so good) and the concielers.

Your gonna be just fine. Just hang in there ok?
Reply:call the doctor and tell him they make you sick
Reply:Side effects will do that but if you can't tolerate the side effects call your doctor and let him know and maybe he can change the medication.
Reply:Make sure you take it with food! Some antibiotics take a month or so to kick in. If you forget to take it with dinner, don't take it after or right before bed. Just continue the next day. Also, some antibiotics make you more sensitive to the sun. Try to use a moisturizer with sunscreen. If you are really reacting to the meds, stop using it and call the doctor to see if they can prescribe something else.
Reply:Did it ever occur to you to report this to the dr so he could switch you to another kind of pill?
Reply:yes... it is very important to take your antibiotics... when u stop it without a complete course, u might have antibiotic resistance and next time when u uses the medicine again, it might not work.. u have to try to complete the course.... if u are feeling dizzy and headachy, u might need a change in your antibiotics... plz consult the doctor for the change...

Why don't you try Murad.It's very effective.They are offering Free Trial with 30-day of supply.Check it out here:

My face always flares up red and i get dry skin on the cheeks and nose and chin?

went to doctors and was told to put on metrogel cream and i had adult acne.i'm a 25 year old male,it seems to flare up especially when itches and is only on my face.nothing works can anybody help me please??

My face always flares up red and i get dry skin on the cheeks and nose and chin?
Those are all good answers above. Also, you could try improving your diet or identifying dietary allergies, since problems with that can sometimes come out in the skin. Another possibility is rosacea, which matches some of the symptoms you describe.

Don't let the doctors just pass it off as "acne." I would recommend against using acne creams and cortisone creams, or just watch your skin's reaction when you use them, as they can cause more harm than good. I would recommend seeking the advice of a homeopath or naturopath, because homeopathic medicine is useful for skin problems.
Reply:Maybe you have shingles. My cousin has shingles and she gets it about 1x per year. You're describing her symptoms perfectly.
Reply:got the same type of thing! i never had spots as a teenager but lately iv had them all over my face!

i bought a microdermabrasion kit(loreal) off that well known auction site a week ago( and it seems to be working for me!

ok for blokes too as i have noticed that the boyf has used it too!!!
Reply:I had similar problems and my doctor said it's not adult acne but a kind of dermatitis. He prescribed a hydrocortisone cream and the improvement was rapid and dramatic. I had different doctors give me all sorts of nasty creams first though and they just made matters worse. Talk to a different doc and ask if you can try a mild steroid cream. You can't use it for prolonged periods but if you manage to get on top of things it might really help. Once my skin improved and wasn't painful I found a gentle exfoliator helped too. Good Luck.
Reply:if you use creams or washes you may need to seek advice from your doctor incase you are having an allergic reaction. if this is not the case then get a moisturising cream so that your skin stys well hydrated
Reply:Go to boots and buy some unperfumed cleanser and a rich face cream. If that doesnt work you may be allergic to chemicals in products that you are using on your skin. Go to a health food shop or organic shop and buy a cleanser free of chemicals and a rich moisteriser. You can apply the moisterser on the dry patches several times a day. Also try a gentle face scrub to get rid of the dry flakeness.
Reply:I am thinking possibly Cold Urticaria, for which there are tablets you can take and it lessens significantly in cold weather, and goes away in warmer weather. When you see your primary doctor, please ask him if this is a possibility.
Reply:try and get a triamcinolone acetonide cream. a doc perscribed it for my daughter, had similar symptoms, worked like a charm. you may have an allergy to what ever soap you're using. try a benadril anti itch cream. and then a coco butter stick it looks like a big tube of chapstick helps the chapped thing. for the stress do some yoga, deep breaths. find something that helps to calm you. start a journal, sort and expel some of you thoughts/stresses on paper.
Reply:Use something natural like repcillin, try using it on one side of you face only. It works for most people, but you want to see how well it works for you. It is amazing stuff and it is 100% natural.
Reply:I couldnt help but read your post and think to myself that I was right where you were 6 months and seems like 1000 wrinkles ago.

I went through the exact same thing. I tried various products and did tons of research online before I found Oil of Olay was basically giving their product away for free.

All I had to do was answer a few auestions, They are a well known national name brand for facial and skin care, everyone knows Oil of Olay.

And I am telling you this Oil of Olay Regenerist works and it made a believer out of me.

I posted the link below for you to click and check out. This stuff works and believe me - for a few minutes of your time and no cost to you, you owe it to yourself to try and all you would lose is a few minutes of your time!

Good Luck and keep the faith, you will get younger looking skin with this product and this stuff helped me achieve my dreams as well!

Your Friend,


Spotty after coming off the pill?

I came off the pill 7 months ago and ever since coming off I have suffered from adult acne on my face, neck and chest. I have been to my doctor and have truied 2 different types of antibiotic and neither have worked. I am getting married in 6 months time and do not want to be spotty! I am tempted to go back on the pill but it is not ideal. Does anyone have any ideas???

Spotty after coming off the pill?
That's quite normal after coming out of pill as your natural hormones are trying to balance themselves. Besides pills tend to dry out the skin quite a lot anyways. It took me about a year before my balance was back to normal. Meanwhile a good dermatologist should be able to help you out!
Reply:well get back on it ,.............. and give me your number ...
Reply:i should say its normal if you are worried about it see your doctor jus to make certain
Reply:have you seen a dermatologist yet? you have 6 months to go and a dermatologist should be able to clear you up in time for your wedding. if your doctor is a derm, i would get a second opinion
Reply:One of two things could happen in this instance...either

A) You could get pregnant right away because in a sense, you are "unleashing" all of those pent-up hormones that were controlled under the pills. Many women find they are extremely fertile right after coming off of the pill.


B) It could take you up to 3 months to get your first period after coming off of the pill, and several cycles after that to really regulate your cycles.

Let's pray that option A happens for you!!

Hi Want2bpreggers - so sorry to hear about all your probs with BC and yeast etc... must a be a nightmare for you. Don't jknow about you, but I feel bad enuogh just not ovulating let alone with extra crazy things your body is doing to you. Men have it easy! ;-)

Your age is nothing to do with your probs! gosh, your only 32! Not 52! It is definitely just a case of the body taking its time...

My doc actually suggested me going back on the BC if my AF didn't return after 6 months!!!! What good will that do? None whatsovere - those pills are te cause of all my problems. Anyway, she tells me this after I'd just spent 5 mins crying telling her we're TTC - so WHY would i want to go on the pill again if we're trying for a baby? I just feel the doctors dont listen. First they give you these B****y pills and then they ignore you when you try and tell them the probs you're having....

anyway. sorry to rant :-) I'm going to start taking vitex....

am going to doc (different one, a gyno) tomorrow - I just hope she doesn't tell me anything awful...

I think i would like to have a scan to check that everything's ok and that i don't have cysts or anything. I'm in the UK so am not sure how long i have to wait on the NHS before they even give me a checking out!

Good luck to you all waiting for your AF/OV... x

Hi there, Im just new on the forum and wanted to say hello and I have read many of the posts here. I sympathize with everyone going through this..I have been on the pill off and on since I was in my 20's %26amp; have been consecutively on it for 6 months (im now 35) and just come off 3 weeks ago and no period yet..but boy am I crampy, bloated and not feeling great.Gaining a couple of punds too. I was on it consecutively to help with painful periods and tremendous amount of stress as I lost my beloved mother 6 months ago after taking care of her for almost a year. She was only 63 %26amp; She suffered horribly from pancreatic cancer..I am quite a mess without her and was thinking that because I didnt have my period I had cancer. My family Doc put me on progesterone for one week to no avail (had what felt to be a "dry" period..all the horrible cramping, back pain etc..but no blood)so I went to my specialist and I basically collapsed in tears and terror in her office and she reassured me this is normal after coming off the pill and did blood %26amp; hormone test etc..I am not pregnant. She said the stress im feeling since mum's passing can contribute as well. Even though this is tough to deal with for all of you, please know one person feels a sense os relief and comfort knowing she is not the only one going through this and I wish you all the best dealing with it and good health.
Reply:This is not unusual. How about trying out the mini (progesterone only) pill. It may help. Otherwise it will be a case of waiting for you body to adjust to the non pill hormone levels, this can take up to a year.

Try steaming you face, this will help open the pores and remove debris. There are many over the counter spot remedies but I would be careful with them, consult a pharmacist about the best choice for you.

Long term antibiotics can be helpful but again these can cause problems (side effects and antibiotic resistant bacteria).

Good luck in sorting teh problem and enjoy your special day.
Reply:get a good spot cream from chemist oxy sum thing its bloody good and use tree tree face wash from body shop

How often a week should you use astringent on your face?

I am 27 yrs old and I am getting adult acne and it's not attractive at all can anyone help me on how to get rid of the ugliness?

How often a week should you use astringent on your face?
You should stop using regular drug store astringent after you hit sixteen! It's overdrying and after a while your skin can no longer handle it. It's going to make the acne worse by forcing your skin to produce more oil.

My advice is to stick to a gentle skin care regimen. If that means spending more money, do it. Kohl's has a great line of facial care products called "Good Skin". I use the blue kind, for oily/acne prone skin. There's also different lines for different types of skin. If you go there the beauty consultant is always happy to help you make a good choice. And...they usually give out free samples of the products. Make sure to exfoliate regularly, and use oil-free and alcohol free cleansers and toners.

If you have a serious blemish problem (like I had a few years ago), you should see a dermo. I was breaking out horribly on my cheeks, and he put me on a low dosage of oral antibiotics and skin cream. Now I rarely, if EVER, get pimples! My complexion has cleared up dramatically.

*Edit* Proactiv is crap. I used it for a while and it irritated my skin like crazy. I wouldn't waste my money. All hype.
Reply:Proactive works well or that new blemish pen that emits blue and red light. It is supposed to get rid of a pimple over night. It is very expensive about $180.00 or so.I heard it works well.
Reply:Astringent is best for an oily complexion. If you're looking for a great adult acne fix, loreal makes a great at-home face peel kit that you can use up to 3 times a week. It's about $24 and you can find it at any local pharmacy or grocery store. It works wonders and it's specially made for adult skin.
Reply:I reccommend your going to a licensed dermatologist and getting put on prescription acne meds, creams, body washes, soaps, etc. There's a lot out there and doctors will try as many as it takes until you see results. My boyfriend did and his acne virtually disappeared in a matter of months. Doctors can give you alpha peels which remove much of the scarring and acne at the surface. You may also want to try Proactiv solution [the acne stuff always on infomercials]. Unfortunately, 99% of the crap they sell in pharmacies and supermarkets won't work on extreme cases b/c it is diluted and not concentrated enough. That is why you need to go to dermatologists to get the stronger, and thus more expensive, stuff.

good luck to you! =) remember: acne may be "ugly", but it doesn't mean that YOU are!
Reply:try a glycolic based skin care line astringent is usually alcohol based and can make acne worse despite what you may hear alcohol only makes any skin worse choose alcohol free toner. some glycolic lines are jan marini , mdformulations, md forte. or proactive i would try first its an investment with any goos skincare line but your face should be worth it
Reply:You can always ask a dermatologist first. It saves alot of trouble. They usually recommend benzoyl peroxcide.
Reply:Answer to question #1, how often to use astringent= NEVER

They tend to contain alcohol and while this initially removes oil from the skin (which feels good) your cells sense that there is no oil (which is created to protect the skin) and the message goes out to make more oil.

Question #2 = Adult acne can have several causes. Drinking milk, especially low-fat or fat-free milk has been linked to increased acne (a recent study proved the connection). Another cause can be hormone changes, often acne appears or disappears during pregnancy. Good skin care products and habits are absolutely essential. The first advice I give to all my clients is to never, never, NEVER go to bed without cleansing the skin. Your skin "feeds" itself at night and anything left on it will be absorbed deep into the cells. Washing the next day is too late to stop the damage. Once a breakout occurs it can take a full "skin cycle" which is 28 days to recover. In other words, going to bed without cleansing just one day a month is enough to maintain constant breakouts! Avoiding soaps and products containing mineral oil is also very important.

I would probably recommend Arbonne's Intelligence line for your skin and maybe the Clear Advantage supplement.


If you visit my site and email me, I can send you a sample of this system.
Reply:If it's part of a system (like the 3 steps for proactive, where they all work together) just once a day would be best- and probably at night, not in the morning. It's hard to avoid using because it's supposed to exfoliate your skin and even out your complexion, but usually it's not worth it. Toner dries out your skin, causing it to produce even more oil- and acne. Instead, use gentle scrubs and a mask once or twice a week to clear up acne. Also, moisturize with an oil free lotion so your skin doesn't dry out. It'll keep your complexion even.


How do I even out my natural skin tone without using a foundation?

My adult acne is finally clearing up--- but now my face is red and blotchy where pimples once were... anyone have any suggestions on how to even my tone using any over the counter or prescription cremes, or even any natural remedies?

i am open to trying different things... thanks!

How do I even out my natural skin tone without using a foundation?
I am an esthetician and my favorite thing is eminence stonecrop kit for dark spots and rosehip wash, toner and lotion for people with redness issues like rosacea. Its an all natural line and smells good enough to eat:)

Sunless Tanners / Sun Tanning?

I burn and then tan, so I suppose I am "light" - "medium" that last for about a week and looks generally natrual?

What are the best sunless tanners (at good prices.) and how would sunless tanners affect adult acne?

If I want to go out and get a real tan, how would I go about getting an even tan all over? (including my face)?

Sunless Tanners / Sun Tanning?
I've heard Clinique has good sunless tanners. Anything that has any kind of oil may affect the acne, I have that problem with sunblock too. You should avoid real tanning entirely, it is just oo dangerous. People are getting skin cancer younger and younger now, so it's not just a "Oh, I'm not worrying about 30 years from now" anymore. I know a girl that had skin cancer and she is in her early 20's.
Reply:The best sunless tan is from the Mystic Tan that you can get at a salon. Not sure about how it would affect acne, but you can ask the person at the salon, they should know!
Reply:hmm u need proper skin care for that
Reply:hi! i too have a light/medium skin tone and burn easily in the sun. What I do is get the mystic tan. There's some salons around me that actually spray it on for you--you don't go into the booth like at some places. I REALLY like how it looks, and it doesn't get all over your clothes and stuff. Plus since someone else is doing it they can see all the spots you might miss if you tried to do it yourself with a lotion or something. You can usually get one done for about $20 maybe cheaper depending on where you live.

Not sure how it will effect your skin. I use proactiv and my skin's been really good. Maybe you'd want to try that?? Not sure what you've tried :)

Hope that helps!
Reply:I have the same type of skin. I usually just go to the tanning beds since sun usually just burns. If I want to get a really good tan and keep it....I would go 3x/week. 2 times in the bed and one in the booth (you stand up in it). That really gave me a beautiful tan and i bought the tans in a package deal so it wasn't that expensive. I don't usually like dealing with fake sprays and lotions.

I tan only in the winter so that the color will last all summer, excessive tanning is gross.

I have acne, it cleared up right away using the tanning beds!!
Reply:Tanning beds are definately not even an option, because they are the most unhealthy for sun/uv exposure. Fake tanners are of course, safe, but the results never turn out well. Either orange tones or streakyness or several other problems can come up with the self-application process. Nothing beats good 'ole, fun in the sun style, laying out. Contrary to popular belief, there are safe methods to work on your tan in the natural sunlight. If you use the proper UV protection, you can both prevent the develpment of milignant dermal carcinoma and get your skin darker. When you tan, your skin becomes darker as a defense and when you use no protection against UV rays, your skins defense system doesn't turn off leading to the mutation of skin cells. An SPF of 20 or so is perfectly safe, and with time, you're skin will become a beautiful golden brown, even if you are naturally fair skinned. Trust me, I still have really blonde hair into my twenties with blue eyes and EXTREMELY fair skin, and I tan every year. Time is the key, don't overdo it, just pay attention to the signs of burning, and enjoy the warm rays!!
Reply:I go to the tanning salon and do it there...its just a spray. It dosent make my skin break out...
Reply:Tanning indoors will clear up any acne you have and will get you tann with out burning because your and a timer. the best sunless tanner i would have to say is the one carried by Chanel but it has SPF also most - all sunless tanners will make acne worst
Reply:If you want a real tan do NOT get burnt. All the evidence suggests that over-exposure gives an increased risk of skin cancer. There is really no other way than 'little and often'.

Personally I almost never use sun lotion because I believe it causes cancer by reducing sunburn and thus making people think they can stay out in the sun far longer than is actually safe. Any cancer nurse will tell you that if you want a tan, it's better to spend 30 minutes in the sun with no sunscreen than 4 hours with SPF 8, regardless of the fact that you're supposedly getting the equivalent exposure in both cases.

I don't usually have more than about an hour or 90 minutes of sun exposure per day, but I start this as early in the year as it's warm enough to go out and I get a good even tan all over (nude, of course) which lasts all summer. That's my recommendation.

Best High-end skin care products?

What is the best high-end skin care line for women over 30 who suffer from adult acne, but not necessarily oily skin???

Best High-end skin care products?
I really like the Philosophy line. Even though they do have a product for acne, I've found that just using the basics in their skincare line keeps my skin smooth and clear. They have some really good products that seem to work well with all skin types.
Reply:the best thing I did was to stop wearing foundation. I use Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer instead. Love it! It covers just as good as a foundation, but is much lighter and lets my skin "breathe" Other than that, I would not really care too much about high end skin care products- I would be religous about getting facials monthly, along with microdermabrasion. I picked up a facial cleanser that the esthetitian (spelling?) recommended for me. My skin is almost completely clear now. BTW- I will be 33 in June.
Reply:Arbonne. Their premium health and wellness products are made with exceptionally high European standards of quality that are the choice of spas, salons, doctors, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and estheticians. They are made with the finest and most premium botanical oils and herbals, pure, safe, beneficial, and result oriented.

1) Botanically based

2) pH correct

3) Hypoallergenic

4) Dermatologist tested

5) Never tested on animals

6) Formulated without animal products or by-products

7) Formulated without mineral oil

8) Formulated without wax, dyes, alcohol, or chemical fragrances

9) Nanosphere Technology to help the products adjust to your specific skin type

10) Specifically formulated to meet the needs of people with different skin types (dry, oily, combination, acne, sensitive, skin conditions, etc).

Their NutriMinC Re9 anti aging line is a revolution in skin care. It's amazing and formulated with 9 key anti elements, all of which are pure and beneficial.

Arbonne's consumers are given the option to try before they buy as well as save 35%-75% with free online ordering and direct shipping right to your door. To learn more about Arbonne and their products, ingredients, benefits, before and after pix, you can click on my profile and visit my website. If you have any questions or would like to know anything further, I'll be happy to help you.

What causes hormonal imbalance in females?

i read that hormonal imbalance is one factor of adult acne? any cure for hormonal imbalance?

What causes hormonal imbalance in females?
Reply:Your doctor will be able to help you with this,

Also taking evening primrose oil as a supplement can help.

queen of the night

Can using retin-a as little as once or twice a week still be effective?

unfortunately, i suffer with mild adult acne. in order to control my breakouts i use a skin care line called obaji, and on ocassion i take an oral antibiotic called minocyclin. when i take the antibiotic in phases it seems to work well. however, my skin begins to grow a tolerance and i am left having to find another source to shock my skin again. so, i often turn to retin-a. the only thing with retin-a is that it doesnt allow u to be in the sun very much. so i was wondering if i just used the it once or twice a week vs every day, would it still be as effective and solve the issue of not being able to enjoy some occasional sun?

Can using retin-a as little as once or twice a week still be effective?
I would recommend checking with a dr about this, especially to see if maybe a hormone imbalance could be playing in to the issue with your acne situation.

When should you STOP getting facials before your wedding?

Our wedding is May 31st of 2008....and my skin needs some *work* for it!

I have some mild adult acne on my cheeks and chin area and I'd like to see if a day spa glycolic peel would help any. Question is, when is the last possible month to get this done prior to the wedding? I'm thinking I should not get them done past March...

Anyone have any experience with this? What was your outcome....or even better....what is your skin regimen for your wedding?

When should you STOP getting facials before your wedding?
I have a friend who did facials a few months prior to her wedding. She looks very good on that day but after that she totally stopped and turn back into her usual pimple-face. Its like princess fiona looking pretty on her wedding nite n turned back to her ogre persona after that.

my point is, facials can only temporarily 'fix' your face from the outside. if u want lasting results u have to work from the inside.

Pimples/acne appear because your body is trying to detox, which is the function of your liver. if it is overworked, your body will detox through your skin, will shows up as pimples. Therefore during this period, avoid 'heavy' food like deep fried stuff, heaty stuff, and stay away from chocolate n coffee. The best is to eat fruits. plenty of them. they are easily digested, and help to clean up your interior. u have 3 months, which is more than enough to use fruits to flush out all your internal toxics. if u can take it, eat fruits and fruits alone. yes u can survive on that (human beings are created to eat fruits, not meat or junk food). trust me your skin will glow. sure way to make u lose weight too. but if u have to take some meat, take fish. not fried. take fruits before other food, not after.

i take mostly fruits for lunch. i keep breakfast and dinner light. my skin is blemish-free.
Reply:generally stop having facials a week or two before the wedding to let your skin heal. after that wash, tone, and moisturize.
Reply:You should stop getting facials a week and a half to two weeks before your wedding although facials can make your face look better they can also cause a pimple are two and if your skin is sensitive and does break out you should stop two weeks before your wedding but if you do get a pimple it should clear up in that two week period and leave your face looking beautiful
Reply:Only you can answer this. Everyones skin is different. Some people can have a facial today, break out tomorrow and be healed by Tuesday, Other people might not heal for a week.

I would find a day spa that you are comfortable with. Start getting facials there and build a relationship with the person doing them. Once you 've had a few, the two of you can determine a schedule leading up to your wedding.
Reply:oh god, as soon as I saw the word "facial" I knew some guy would jump all over it! lol They probably want facials befure, during and after the ceremony! haha
Reply:I just read a bridal book that said one month before or you will break out. I've never had a facial, so I don't know, though.
Reply:I'd say 2 weeks before the wedding is a good time to stop getting them. Have them suggest a regimen for you. I use Murad and I absolutely love it! it's pricey but a little goes a long way...definately worth the money!
Reply:I use proactiv! This stuff is AMAZING. All of my adult acne is gone!! If i have a pimple the renew facial mask takes it right out. Good luck.
Reply:You shouldn't be taking any facials until your wedding night. HAHAHA see what I did there?!?


I'm sorry.

Anybody with rosacea know of any good skin care products?

In addition to rosacea, I also have adult acne. Looking for something to keep both at bay.

Anybody with rosacea know of any good skin care products?
Try Eucerin Redness's a lotion available over the counter. I read about it in Prevention magazine and it really does help though not completely alleviate the redness problem.

I Am Breaking Out Again.?

I am prone to breakouts, but have been clear for a while. Since I got pregnant, I am breaking out again. Not to get gross, but they're not thick or big or anything like that, they're a lot of little white heads that pop up almost every morning! Any adult acne kits your recommend? I hope this isn't some I have to live with the entire pregnancy, but who knows.......... Thanks!

I Am Breaking Out Again.?
Proactive is awesome and works like a charm. Use that for awhile and you will not even have to worry about another pimple for a longgg time!!
Reply:I found that I had terrible acne during the early part of the pregnancy, and nothing helped really, but by the second trimester, my skin is the same as it normally is.

I almost never used anything except the occasional dab of OTC benzyl peroxide because I didn't think it was safe to do so, since medicine can be absorbed by your skin.
Reply:I am already in my second trimester and still getting break outs.. I went out and bought some St. Ives apricot scrub for blemishes and it seems to work. I don't have nearly as many as I did and it is inexpensive. I am hoping that in the middle of this trimester my face will start to clear up and maybe yours will also. Good luck!



Here is what the WEBSITE CONTAIN:

Your answer is in #2








3.2.1 Exfoliating the skin

3.2.2 Topical Bactericidals

3.2.3 Topical antibiotics

3.2.4 Oral antibiotics

3.2.5 Hormonal treatments

3.2.6 External retinoids

3.2.7 Oral retinoids

3.2.8 Phototherapy Blue and red light Photodynamic therapy

3.3 Less widely used treatments


3.5 Preferred treatments by types of acne vulgaris


5 See also

6 References

7 Footnotes

8 External links

golden ball

What can you tell me about Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel for the skin?

Do they really do anything to improve adult acne or other skin conditions? Please tell me only based on PERSONAL experience (no cut and paste because I could just Google them if I wanted that kind of info).

What can you tell me about Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel for the skin?
I work in a Cosmetic Clinic and we use and recommend Witch Hazel for acne and have found good results. Tee Tree oil is a wonderful product but you need to be very careful as it can burn. If you put it on a blemish, use a cotton tip.
Reply:I would try Proactiv if you are serious. It worked for me.
Reply:i use witch hazel it cleans my skin helps prevent pimples and black is an old helps remove dirt and oil from your skin.i have heard of tea tree oil,but have never used it.
Reply:Teatree oil is a good antiseptic. After a pimple pops, it has a wound and that wound exposed to bacteria turns into a dark spot. If you put teatree, although it gives a slight sting on an open wound, it keeps the wound cleaner than usual. So the spots are not as dark. In some cases the spot completely heals and there is no mark. I used Body Shop's teatree oil. It's ok for me.

Good Face Wash?

I have very oily skin and I am just starting to notice I am getting some adult acne, does anyone have any suggestions for a good face wash or something to help clear up these problems?

Good Face Wash?
I have oliy skin too and I use Neutrogena scrub and a cleanser. The cleanser has salisylic (sp) acid. which is suppose to help with acne control. And Im and adult that has brak outs from time to time too. So I feel ya. i have used Mary Kay too when I sold it and it was really good. Really helped in clearing my face too.
Reply:clean %26amp; clear morning burst
Reply:I love Noxema.
Reply:MARYKAY! I am 17 and i alson have oily skin!

they have oil control face wash, makeup primer for oily skin and oil blotting sheets!

you should really try it :)

btw they have makeup for all ages so dont think its kiddie makeup! its not cheap but its worth it!:)
Reply:Any thing Neutrogena or Aveeno is good. Also get clean n clear oil absorbing sheets,they work wonders!
Reply:I also have oily skin and have had breakouts (as an adult). I had good luck with Origins for about two years (Mint face wash, Matte Scientist moisturizer, and the charcoal face mask once or twice a week). Then I switched my cleanser to Basis Cleaner Clean face wash and kept using the Matte S. and face mask. Occasionally I would use those Oil of Olay cleansing clothes and they seemed to work really well when I was breaking out. Now I use either Basis or Oil of Olay soap-free cleanser for sensitive skin (no scent) and Nivea or Oil of Olay Regenerist and my skin has been fine.

Use the charcoal face mask from Origins at least once a week, but also use it as a spot treatment to clear up zits. I leave it on for about 45 minutes-an hour to spot treat. Matte Scientist is great for oily complexions because it adds moisture (which your skin needs after cleansing, regardless of how oily it is) and also has a mattifying agent that doesn't leave your skin shiny like some moisturizers. It's a little pricey, but well worth it!
Reply:i had horrible acne through high school, i tried pills, antibiotics , prescription creams, birthcontrol, none of it worked, and now, being 24, i can finally control it, the best things i have found are the most natural, i mix rose petals, calendula, oatmeal and white clay, it makes a great scrub, you can also leave it on for a mask, then just apply a lightweight, fragrance free moisturizer, this can keep it moist and the idea the oils won't overproduce, that's why i always had problems with toner, it takes off residue but also your skins natural oils, making them even more likely to produce more oil, try to avoid heavy makeup, and ALWAYS wash your face before going to bed.
Reply:I have the same issue and have tried dozens of products. what works best for me is Neutrogena Foaming Face Wash, followed by toner (same brand) and moisturizer-Oil of Olay.
Reply:I have the same problem, dermalogica works wonders, i cannot live without it. It is a little hard to find though but if you live in a big city you can most likely find it, I would sugegest the Anit-bac face wash for you and the Anti-bac mask also works wonderfull. Good luck

clear weed

What is the best product to put on my face after a bad reaction?

I used an adult acne 3 step regimen. On the third time of using it I noticed my face looked slightly sun burned accept it wasn't. I had a reation to the regimen. And I would like to know what is the best thing to put on my face to calm it down?

What is the best product to put on my face after a bad reaction?
I have that problem too with my acne kit. I use Yves Rocher Night Shift ($23). It's a HEAVY, moisture-rich cream I apply on my face at night. It works wonders to calm skin. can take old-fashioned oats, wet it into a paste and place on your face for a few minutes. Honey also works well.
Reply:Aveno offers a Calming Lotion that works great! I get the same kind of reaction from face products and this lotion is very soothing.
Reply:Try Oil-Free Acne Wash from Neutrogena

Quick help! Need makeup pimple cover up?

I have adult acne but only on my chin. I'm a 39 yr old African American woman and...well, I picked at this pimple ( I know I shouldn't have) and now I need to buy something, a make up spot treatment that will hid the ugliness of the picked at pimple before I go to work tonite. I have purchased something before but the color was way too light and it was described for dark skin. My skin tone is not dark but maybe a shade or two lighter (I'm not light skinned toned at ALL though).

Sorry to ramble but I really would not like to go to work like this. Please don't fuss at me for picking at it. sigh

Any recommendations?? Thanks so much

Quick help! Need makeup pimple cover up?
Covergirl the Queen collection for the makeup and use Ambi spot treatment to heal and correct the pimple. It's good for black women skin the best that I have tried.
Reply:It probably doesn't look as bad as you think it looks! Just go to the party and be confident!

I need advice from women, do period breakouts lesson after 20?

My mom and I argue about this, I'm 17, almost 18 and this past year I've been breaking out alot before my period only. I'm worried it's going to get worse or turn into adult acne. My mom claims however it's normal and by my twenties it should be totally fine. She said she only got an ocassional pms zit then, not any more regular breakouts. Women out there, do you find this to mostly be true? Do hormones settle down out of your teens and the breakouts lesson?

I need advice from women, do period breakouts lesson after 20?
Yes it will subside, very soon I would say since you are almost 18. I just got the odd spot until I was about 20.
Reply:Mine have slightly over the past 3 years--I am now 22. I still have some acne with my period but not nearly like before.
Reply:it all depends on your gentics and how you care for your skin. try proactive. it works wonderfully!
Reply:I didn't get breakouts until I was in my early 20's! But yes, it will subside when you get older. Try to cure the acnes by using acne cream, to lessen the problem.
Reply:It is my understanding that it can vary with people; depending on their genes.

For me, I have always broken out a little during my period after age 20 and still do at 45. The zits go away after my period is over.

I never break out at any other time.

During my teens, I never had acne (due to sun-damaged skin), but I would get zits occasionally in my oily zone around the nose. My periods during my teens were very irregular. My few zits did not seem to have any pattern with my sporadic periods. I would go months without periods.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Does it work? I have a mild case of on again/off again adult acne and was thinking of trying it.

it makes your skin worst for a while cus it needs some getting used to then your face clears up after that
Reply:I hear different things from different people. It works for some but not others. The only thing you can do is try it for yourslef. Its not that pricey.
Reply:i tried it and it just really dried my face out and burned.... a lot.
Reply:Yea,it should work for you.
Reply:tis will kill you LOL,

it should work
Reply:It works, but you have to use it VERY consistantly. I have it and when i stop using it I completely break out. It's good, but it's not THAT good. I guess everyone has different results... If I were you I might try the Clinique Acne System instead (you can get this at
Reply:I tried it and it made my acne worse! I stuck with it for 3 weeks and it never got better. I've heard others say it worked wonders though. Everyone's diff. You can order it for $20 though and return it if it doens't work.
Reply:okay, i've tried proactive it didn't work for me, my brother tried proactive it didn't work for him, my friend tried it and it didn't work for her, and my cousin tried it, and it didn't work for her either. but everybody has different skin types, it may work for you. but for a lot of people i know they say that it works for a while then all the acne begins to fade right back in. but go ahead and try it and see how it works for you.
Reply:ProActiv is garbage. It is nothing but low strength benzoyl peroxide. Go to WalMart and get Equate 5% benzoyl peroxide gel and see if it irritates you, and if not give it some time. You can go up to 10% if you need to.
Reply:It works. But it makes your face dry out.
Reply:I used it a couple years ago. It worked for a while, but it burned like crazy. After a while it didn't help at all and I think it might have made my problem worse. Finally went to a dermatologist and had my face checked out. But I hear different stories from different people. One of my friends swears by it.

P.S. It totally bleached my bed sheets, because I used to wash my face at night before going to bed. Just giving you a heads up.

peacock plant

I feel.. Ugly?

Ive been living my life with horrible adult acne and have ried almost everything from over the counter stuff, to the doctor. When I look in the mirror I see someone ugly. Sometimes random people on the street whisper to me that i'm ugly and people make hurtful remarks. I was to the point of suicide since I have other huge problems in my life.. and this adds to that.

Any advice on what to do?

I feel.. Ugly?
Yes. Don't give a **** what people think.

Hell, I've been fat my entire life, and I figured out what type of person I should consider a friend, and those are really the only people I let myself be concerned with.

The only reason anyone would ever talk badly about you is because they don't know you, and if they do know you and don't like you, there is either something wrong with you or them.
Reply:have you tried proavtive? also dont wash your face with any body soab u need a mild soap one meant for the face, wash you face three times a day even with just water to keep oil from building up stay away from greasy foods...and set up a appt with a dermatoligist..suicide is not the answer not for anything
Reply:Wow...that is really mean of those people :/

Have you tried pro-active? I did not work for me, but I know it works for lots of other people. I know you said that you have been to your doctor, but have you been to a dermatologist? They are skin specialist so I'm sure that they will find something. Also try to stay away from stress because those can cause breackouts. Also, wash your face after you get sweaty, or if it feels olily, but try not to touch your face to ofton.
Reply:first off, i want to say and truly mean it that you are beautiful no matter what. smile. you are pretty. don't listen to what they say, it is hard, but why make yourself upset, when they are people you don't know and don't care about? keep trying at the dermatologists. i am currently on a medication in pill form. it really worked for me. i was in your situation, i felt so ugly. but when i look back at pictures, it was only on the surface. i was still the same wonderful person. and you are the same. you are beautiful, don't focus on the surface. smile, your beautiful.
Reply:First off....No more suicide thoughts....we are all human and we are all beautiful people. You need to see a therapsit or doctor for the mental side of this also. I used to feel this way but have learned to feel different about myself, but please get somwhere if you have any suicide thoughts. If you have any questions you may email me
Reply:Hey I have adult acne and to be honest, the treatment I am on made it 100% go away! I am on minocycline 100mg once a day, retin a and 6% triaz wash. this combination took away my welted looking acne face and I now have totally clean skin! I understand the depression acne can give you but see a dermatologist and get on a skin care regimen that will work.
Reply:Have you tried a microdermabrasion? Its quite pricey but it gets rid of acne.
Reply:Ask your doctor about is just for acne,..and it also does something else, it smooths out lines and wrinkles...It is easy for all of us to tell you not to let it get to you, but believe me, I can relate in my own is horrible to feel like you are being stared at, especially if it is something that you can't help...get the is a miracle drug,...but until then, try the proactive, although I have never had experience with it...the retin a is JUST FOR ACNE..and it works amazingly...your insurance will cover it...God Bless honey, and drink lots of water cut out the soda's, lots of salad, and change your diet if you have too...the problem with acne, is that it stresses you out, and the stress, causes acne...God bless darling, you're going to be okay...but don't kill yourself...please, banish the thought...too many people who love you would be soooooo sad....and so would God and so would Jesus....xxxx


I am so frustrated. My entire life I have always had clear, clear skin, but in the last year or so, I get at least one blemish a month, and it's the kind that really hurts.

I clean my face each evening with Yonka products, and each morning, I "sometimes" cleanse. I'm 39 years old so this is what is so confusing. I should not get these kinds of blemishes.

Plus, I get a facial each month. We are startting micorderma brasia next month (six in a row), and then we are going to look into collagen tretments, but I'm about to say "forget" those, I just want smooth, flawless skin. Do I have Adult Acne? Any suggestions? I read where models are using only soap and water; if they do then what is it that they use, I wonder. All suggestoins welcomed! :)

I got adult onset acne in my mid 20's am now well will be 32 on Thurs. anyways... Macrodermabasion spread the bacteria on your face is horribly irritable to your skin cells very very bad stuff... here ya go::::::::::


I used Tetracyclin, Proactive, Retina A and had many expensive facials with less than good results.

This has worked for me and many many other happy people. Go to pharm.,Drug store, or Walmart,

buy "PURPOSE" bar of soap - Blue box - Made by Johnson %26amp; Johnson - wash your face with this

2-3x's per day. Also pick up a LOW strength Benzoyl-peroxide cream, apply the cream by dabbing

to the individual blemishes.... DONT rub it in works using a oxidation/reduction reaction...DONT over

use this or put anywhere else on your face.. It will cause drying and make you look worse. Also, If need

which probably will for moisture ASK FOR "NUTRADERM lotion" - the orginal not the new stuff, this works

great and wont clog pores or leave a residue on your skin...Additonal TIPS: acne, pimples, etc are

frequently cause by a bacteria or hormone issues.... DONT PICK POP POKE (your hands are the

dirtiest part of your body) and will cause: infections, spreading of germs, more breakouts and scarring

DONT EVER listen to people online who tell you to scrub your sensative skin or use harsh chemicals

such as: Lemon juice, vinagar, alcohol, etc... DONT EVER use that APRICOT CRAP!!! DONT USE

PROACTIVE- this is expensive and harsh it may kill the bacteria cause also Benzoyl based wash but

will irritate skin and cause bleaching of face and neck.... Other similar treatments may work.. also

things such as Accutane but have serious side effects.... THIS WORKS FAST AND CHEAP!!! I no

longer get expensive facials, take oral antibiotics, or even NEED makeup... I am very happy - Have

very good skin... and have many many other happy friends... THANKS again to my WONDERFUL

DERMATOLOGIST... TRY THIS!! GOOD LUCK.... PS. "PURPOSE" costs about $3 ----addition related to your specific question I USED MACRODermabraison when I was having this issue and my whole face got a rash... was so inflammed... looked horrid.. the dermatologist said not to do this either....;-P .. whatever you do best of luck .. i sympathize.. but honestly I would try what I have told ya.. and just see... you will more than likely be SOOOO HAPPY AGAIN!! --AND lol something else.. I NEVER had acne as a teenage... great skin...PSSSSSS---still thinking about this......OK MACRODERMABRASION used a combination of both chemicals and rubbing to actually remove a few surface layers of your face.... MY doctor... and others DONT rec. this if you are having any type of outbreak (have even 1 pimple present) this will cause not only it to be irritated and red but spread any bacteria to other areas... the chemicals are very strong acid based products... they probably do remove some scars.. and wrinkles.. if your skin can actually handle this process as strong as it is... If your skin is sensative... easy to break out.. easy to get oily %26amp; dry the same time... or if you have breakouts again dont get this done... never get a facial or other type of exfoliation prior to this .. cause you have then already removed skin cells... and the chance of you getting a red inflammed face is much greater..... again if you are sensative to break outs... anytype of harsh scrubbing ISNT the answer.....
Reply:Could be your diet, are you eating lots of sweet/fried/carbo foods. Do you drink alcohol. Do you smoke. Are you stressed. All these will give you spots and blemishes and I don't know what else. Now if you've been doing one or all of these things, time is simply catching up with you. If you don't do any, must be a hormone imbalance somewhere

Good luck
Reply:Have you thought that it might be all those things that you are doing to your face that is causing the problem. Good soap and water and some aloe Vera on the skin are often enough to do the trick. I would back off all those facials, even for a while and see what happens.
Reply:HI, im Lorraine a 39 yr old with adult acne,the best treatment . . and believe me ive tried LOTS,is an anti biotic gel named Duac, Its a godsend,trust me when i tell you dermabrasien (mis spelt i know)is NOT a good choice lazy G.P.s advice it it ruins the top 2 layers of your skin . . forever.if i can help just one person by telling you this then my job is done!! Dont do it honey and good luck
Reply:Please don't do the microdermabrasia !!! Have you ever seen the immediate results ?? ie.: healing process?? Yikes !! I can't even begin to imagine the pain, it would have to be totally insufferable and then what if it doesn't work.

No,no, what you have is a simple vitamin A deficiency !! Surprise !! Really, that's all this is. Have you been eating properly lately?? If you are deficient in Vitamin A no skincare will solve the problem. You need to focus on foods rich in Vitamin A i.e.: fish liver oil, liver, carrots, dark green and yellow vegies, eggs, milk and dairy products, margarine and yellow fruits. The color intensity of a fruit or vegetable is not necessarily a reliable indicator of its beta-crotene (Vit.A.) content.

Vitamin A will keep the outer layers of your tissues and organs healthy, help in the removal of age spots if you have any, promote growth, strong bones, healthy skin, hair, teeth and gums, help treat acne, superficial wrinkles, immpetigo, boils, carbuncles and open ulcers when applied externally.

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and requires fats as well as minerals to be properly absorbed by your digestive tract. It can be stored in your body and need not be replenished every day.

The RDI for females is 4,000IU (International Units). Maybe just go to the chemist and ask the pharmacist to recommend a good brand of a hair skin and nails tablet for you to purchase???

If you choose to follow my advice I'm sure that you will be leaping with joy within 1 - 2 days!! That's all it will take to regenerate your tired skin cells.

Also try juicing 3 - 4 carrotts in the morning for a nice fresh wake up juice !! I try do it most days and it definitely gives your skin a fresh rosy glow...... :0)


............. :0)

******** PLEASE READ ME *****

Geez, Benzoyl peroxide Cream !! Chemicals applied to the skin can be absorbed into the body. Benzoyl Peroxide causes extreme dryness and premature aging of skin (yikes !!) irritation, stinging, burning and peeling too !! It can also cause bleaching of hair and clothing and if you use it with suncreen containing PABA temporary skin discoloration could occur. They even recommend not to be used in pregnancy, lactation or for children because it's effects aren't documented for mothers and children !! Wonder why !! It induced skin cancer in animal studies they did on rats too. Scariest one though was the other chemicals contained therein:-

Glycolic acid is a photosensitizer and maye toxic to gastrointestinal system andkidneys.

Triethanolamine can form carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds on the skin or in the body after absorption. it may also elicit immune reaction in form of allergic dermatitis or asthmatic attacks;

Diisopropanolmine may release carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds.

i don't know bout you but I tend to think we're already exposed to enough toxins already without adding more to the mix. Gosh, don't touch the stuff !! Go natural, BTW, 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar stirred in with 1 teaspoon baking soda until fizzing stops and then applied to your face with cotton balls as you would a moisturiser is a wonderfull remedy to cleanse/tone your face morning and night. When you've cleansed simply wash off with warm water and face cloth......... I do it every day and my skin is really healthy and glowing and I've got three very energetic little children ............. try it, what have you got to lose?? After all, its a natural foodstuff, organic - not chemical, that you could ingest !!!


Girlfriends vagina has itche for almost 2 years now.?

She has tried everything to releive the itching! Blood tests, countless cultures, biopsies, creams of all types, no undies, different kinds of undies, scentless everything, diet, biofeedback. Everything i can think of....

We first though it was Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome, but have come to find that it is not hte vestibule that is always itching. It tends to spread around alot. Sex is impossible. Little white or red bumps will appear every now and then along with the irritation (outside of labia). Also, she has some infrequency with urinating. She pees many times a day, and it will stop midstream alot.

Other side symptoms she has: Athsma, Eczema sometimes, Shingles in the past, Adult Acne.

Please do not give the answer see an OBGYN or a specialist. This is obvious. Looking for someone with a similar problem.

We have not had sex since dinosaurs roamed the earth, so we are good there. Any quality help would be amazing to salvage what relationship we have left. Thanks!

Girlfriends vagina has itche for almost 2 years now.?
The other symptoms you describe (asthma, eczema, shingles, acne) lead me to believe that she might have an overgrowth of candida (yeast) throughout her body. Try an anti-candida diet and STICK TO IT for 6 weeks. Research it on the net, but here's something to get you started: It's not a fun diet but it really, really works. Email me if you have questions.
Reply:did you tey having sex to see if it would make it any better?
Reply:It's really good that you are still around in the relationship and trying to help her sort this out. Is she still working at this maid company? If she is then maybe she could try and avoid the chemicals for a long while to make them come out of her system and see if that is the cause.

Sorry to hear about this. Good Luck
Reply:Knowing that she has seen and tried just about everything, I don't think there's anything more she can truly do.

As for salvaging the relationship, maybe there's been too much focus on this and not enough on her as an individual. Maybe it's time for a beauty makeover....a day at the spa.

Granted, figuring out this problem would be great, but it doesn't sound like it can be figured of life's mysteries.

Bring her flowers, take her to her favorite restaurant, surprise her the best way you know how. Just focus on her!!! Good luck!
Reply:Does she drink a loy of caffine or acidic drinks like O.J. or apple juices? Or eat a lot of acidic fruits? That's something to thing about. My daughter is like that if she takes in to much acid. She can't drink juices or a lot of caffine. We had to figure that out for ourselves. Doctors were not sure. It has stopped now.
Reply:Yeast may be the main factor. But also I am sure you tried this but didn't list it but have you changed the soaps she uses in the bath? Dove sensitive skin works the best for no added irritation. She should also try (if she hasn't already) A allergy skin graph. She may be around something everyday that she is allergic to. Has she tried also different kinds of panties? She could be allergic to silk thats not uncommon or cotton or mabe even poliester. Which is why a skin graph might be a healthy thing to try.
Reply:I understand where she is coming from, and it is horrible to bare with. But my problems are with allergies. I'm allergic to over 100 things and i always in up with hives every where, in and out of my vagina, in my ears, in my throat, in my eyes and on my skin. If i can catch the hives quick enough and take a spray in the nose or rub benadryl on them it will ease the pain some..but she does need to go to the dermitoligist if she hasnt already gone to one, and i was also told that if my thyroid was messed up it would also give me these kinds of symtems..type in reasons for itchy vaginas and see what all you come up with. Please dont leave her, if you love her enough then your love will over come this, just give her time to figure out what the problem is i understand its been over 2 years now,,but your answer is out there some where...god bless you and her and i wish you the best...

i looked this up and came across 1000's of web sights for this here is one of them
Reply:does she shave down there??? because she maybe getting irritation from shaving and she will just have to deal with the hair. and i do agree that she has to lay off sugar, yeast and just plan try a raw food diet for about 2-3 months and if it doesn't clear god help your relationship because i think she is stuck with it.

Question about Retin-A?

My insurance company will only cover 6 months of it. Is it supposed to be used indefinetly or just for a specified amount of time? I use it for adult acne.

Question about Retin-A?
It is indefinetly since its only surface cream. Does not change the chemistry of the skin permanently. You should try Accutane for more permanant control. Of course you would have to consult your dermatologist to see whats right for you.
Reply:It depends on your skin condition, it is different for everyone. My Aunt uses it for only a few weeks at a time as she needs it, it is very strong so be sure not to use more than you are supposed to.


My mom wokeup up with break out?

My mom just woke up with breakout all over her face, she doesnt usually have this , so we know it is not adult acne. the doctor said that its roseia sickness (rose sickness?) but we arent sure. they look like little bites and they are really red thank you for any answers

My mom wokeup up with break out?
I believe it is called rosacea. It is a common skin problem and nothing fatal or serious, though it could be very distressing. You can research this on the internet to get information about how to deal with it. Check out Pubmed, for example.

Sometimes doctors will give a diagnosis from their impression and it will be a symptom of something bigger. Your mom should keep a diary of symptoms. The best way to do this is to open a Word document and type in a daily log of her symptoms, what she does for it, other health symptoms, etc. and also insert a digital picture of her skin with each daily log. This could help the doctor diagnose further if needed.

You can also look at for ideas, but don't get alarmed if serious diseases show up as possibilities. They just give you all the possibilities so you can research further and don't give actual diagnoses.

So, in general, I would say not to be alarmed but to keep track of what is going on and any symptoms happening at the same time. There are treatments for rosacea. And, I recently read about a new breakthrough but can't remember what it is. So, look it up.

Need advice with Benzoyl Peroxide Use?

I was recently put on benzoyl peroxide, 5% and clindamycin (an antibacterial cream) for adult acne. To be used once a day. I am just three days into useage and my face is so dry, peeling and red. It burns terrible when I add these products. I cannot get enough moisturizer, I would soak my face in a vat of it if I could! Are these all normal side effects? If so, any advice on how to make it a little more bearable?

Need advice with Benzoyl Peroxide Use?
It sounds like your side effects are on the extreme end of normal. If the pain is really severe, call your dermatologist or doctor.

Maybe only use the BP every other day, or as suggested by another answerer, find a lower concentration of it. I know that there are %'s lower than 5 readily available at drugstores.

Using one in the morning and one at night is also a good idea, so your skin doesn't get bombarded by both at the same time.

If you are not under the care of a dermatologist: is the acne topical or cystic? If it is cystic, salicylic acid is more effective and not quite as harsh on the skin.

I also recommend Cetaphil moisturizers, if you don't already have a high quality one. You can get them at drugstores or the grocery store, and they're very non-irritating and effective.

Best of luck.
Reply:Yes that is normal i ahve the same exact thing and it burned for a few days, just dont put anything on it till the cream drys and if you are putting on a night cream wash off the cream and then wait a little while and put the night cream on Report It

Reply:use proactiv solution! it works! also use lotion and wear sunscreen. im in the same situation! good luck!
Reply:BP is known to dry the skin. This is often not a bad side effect since many w/ acne have OPEC-level oil production.

I'd separate when you put your creams on. Do the BP in the AM, and the antibacterial in the PM, before bed. (Chande your pillowcases every other day, too!) Dont' scrub the zits. And get the BP ONLY on the zits and no ton surrounding skin to help the dryness stop.
Reply:I'm assuming ur going to a dermatolgist. I go to one also. If ur face is red and peeling, ur face is defintely dried out. u said that u put a lot of moisturizer and nothing is working. I would suggest lowering the %. See if there is a lower benzoyl peroxide. i don't know what to say about the clindamycin cuz i take that also and i don't have a problem, and i'm not sure if there' differnt levels of that. All i can say is lower the %
Reply:I have been using ProActiv for 4 months...and I haven't seen any results.

If usage of benzoyl peroxide is causing pain upon application, I would recommend that you stop using it.

Benzoyl peroxide is highly effective in the treatment of most forms of acne. It is typically placed over the affected areas in gel or cream form, in concentrations of 10% and lower. However, it can cause dryness and irritation. A small percentage of people are sensitive to it and this is characterised by burning, itching, peeling or possibly swelling. It is best to use a little at first and build up as the skin becomes accustomed to the treatment. To avoid this, it is worth looking for a treatment that contains around 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, which studies show is as effective as the 10% options but with fewer side effects. While it is not fully known how benzoyl peroxide works in fighting acne, it is presumed that benzoyl peroxide is easily absorbed into pores where it works by interfering with acne bacterial metabolism through oxidation.

Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic. Clindamycin is a semisynthetic antibiotic and derived from lincomycin by the addition of chloride. Clindamycin is sold under brand names such as Dalacin and Cleocin. It is most effective against infections involving the following types of organisms:

* Aerobic gram-positive cocci, including some members of the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (eg. pneumococcus) genera.

* Anaerobic gram-negative bacilli, including some members of the Bacteroides and Fusobacterium genera.

It is used primarily to treat infections caused by susceptible anaerobic bacteria. Such infections might include respiratory infections, septicemia and peritonitis. In penicillin allergic patients clindamycin may be used to treat susceptible aerobic infections as well. It is also used to treat bone-infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Topical application of clindamycin phosphate can be used to treat severe acne.

Makeup and oily skin......?

~ Looking for eyeshadow that will stay on for at least half a day! Any suggestions for oily skin ladies out there? (swear I tried every brand)

~ Also looking for a good cure for adult acne - I will try anything a few times.

Makeup and oily skin......?
I can't say tis enough...Clinique, Clinique, Clinique!

All of there products are hypo-allergenic, created by dermatologists.

Their eye shadows last me 8-12 hours, and I have extremely oily skin too!

There entire facial cleansing system is great! And truly, their acne spot treatment works's all a little bit expensive, but you get what you pay for in life, plus it's your skin, no need to skimp!
Reply:MAC....Anything Mac or clinique works wonders.
Reply:MAC works really good but its expensive too
Reply:for ance-wash your face with soap and water ALL OF THE TIME!

makeup-If you get a eye foundation which they have at place like Clinique...its like regular foundation, but thicker and lasts longer....then you put the eye shadow over that!!! It stays on longer!
Reply:definetly revlon or clinique expensive though.....
Reply:I have oily skin too. I'm using Bobbi Brown and MAC eye shadow - I find that both are crease-free, smooth and long-lasting on my eyelids.

If you find that almost all brands of eye shadow don't last on your eyelids, you might have to use a primer (I can't recommend a brand for that because I don't use primers).
Reply:Well to start off, Lancome, Clinique, and Estee Lauder have the best products. Perhaps it's not the product, but the way you are applying it? Clinique sells a really great primer for your eyelids(it's shimmery so you can also use it as a light shadow to highlight your brow bone).

Hope this helps!
Reply:get some Clenia wash from the dermatologist.

Then use the new mineral makeups...and/or Clinique...(always put powder over lids BEFORE using eye shadow to set it.)
Reply:Well, try Avon, they have make-up for every type of skin.. if you need any help message me.. TuffChevy86... or if you need help finding the right type of make up contact me.. through would be glad to help you, I had the same problem with my skin.. but i found ways to control it.
Reply:a) dab some oil-free liquid foundation using mid finger tip n smooth over entire eyelid. when dry, use sponge applicator to dab compact powder foundation evenly. apply yo fav eyeshadow as usual.

b) go to pharmacy n ask for clyndamycin / dalacyn C. it's a kind of antibiotic. use 1 capsule to 100ml-150ml of mild toner. carefully twist to open the capsule n release the powdered antibiotic into an opened bottle of toner.

Shake well n apply using facial cotton onto pimples/acne area. Please make sure not to use near eye n mouth area.

***This method is highly effective n recommended by a doctor and some pharmacist will ask u, "Is it to mix with toner?" then u answer, "Yes."
Reply:You just need an eye base like a foundation or an eye concealer that gives your eye shadows something to hold onto. You need a skin system that will keep your face oil free and shine free all day like 12 hours. this is what I use. if your skin is bad then use an acne treatment because each one is formulated differently. acne treatment is formulated to kill the bacteria that causes acne and skin systems are to cleanse the surface of face/skin not deep down the pores.
Reply:I like Revlon powder eye shadow. And as for the acne use proactive or the Revlon 3 piece kit that they sell in the store it is exactly like proactiv without spending $50

I am so over it im thinking about doing something bad!!?

i have been suffering from adult acne since i was 20, its been 5 years and i have tired everything and i mean EVERYTHING this year alone i have spent over 3000 in treatment peels practive everything u name it@!!!

i feel so helpless and it is totaly getting me down


I am desperate i mean it has gotten me so low i am contimplating killing myself if i cant get through this

it has totaly ruined my life

help me some one!!

I am so over it im thinking about doing something bad!!?
Becky, have you been to a regular physician as well as a dermatologist? Hormone imbalances can wreak havoc with you skin. To fix the skin, you need to correct the problem causing the imbalance. You should have a complete physical and lab work. Sometimes it helps to see a new doctor and get a second opinion. Doctors aren't perfect and often don't keep up on the newest therapies.

Please consider seeing a therapist as well. You've been trying to deal with this for a long time now and sound like you're suffering from depression. Let them help you as well.

Don't give up! I wish you all the best!!
Reply:Ask yourself and keep a food diary of what you regularly eat on a daily bases. Stay away from oily food, soda, etc. Drink lots of water, wash your face thoroughly.
Reply:I use this stuff and in 3 days it goes away! The second one in!!!

Also try toothpaste, the kind that burns, leave it there for a few minutes.

Let me know how it works for you! And trust me acne is not something to kill yourself over! I haven't seen how bad it is, but without the trouble of acne, and the bad stuff it brings along, think about how great your life is, family, friends, etc.

Oh and try washing your hands with soap, THEN washing your face! Not with the soap you clean your hands with! So basically your washing your face with clean hands.
Reply:Dont kill yourself, that's not gunna help at all.......

Seriously just go to a skin doctor, and im sure it eventually will go away. Not all at once thou. Save that money on scams and go to a real doctor
Reply:I am 20 I use nutrogena on-the-spot-acne-treatment, I also try not to touch my face unless I wash my hands first. Don't kill yourself, its not worth it.
Reply:have you tried accutane? my friend had really bad acne and she used that and it went away...its supposed to be a lifetime cure.
Reply:don't listen to that girl, what you eat doesn't have anything to do with it.. its the oil and dirt trapped in your skin. i have a coma done pusher (get it from a beauty store) and i used that and i used astringent in between washings... and i use oil blotting papers. Try washing your face once in the morning, once at night and if you feel oily use SENSITIVE astringent in the after noon and carry some oil blotting papers with you just in case.
Reply:Try a homeopath. It's a completely different approach to medicine. It might work for you. If you have a health food store by you, they usually have references. Also a Yogo studio would most likely have names of homeopaths.
Reply:yes what u eat really does effect it choc mostly and try this thing from clean and clear im not sure what its called its a hard name to pronounce but u will resonize it its ina small tube prolly the size of your pinkie i will try and find the name and right back it works REALLY good i strugled with acne since i was 7 i even used 200$ acne med and it didnt work but this does and its cheap and doesnt dry out your skin i will get back to u


Pimple Problem...Help!!!?

I've been having really bad adult acne lately...long story short, I tried Noxema (because it worked well for me as a teen). Now it's really working well at getting rid of the bigger pimples and black heads that were sooo stuburn and this is GREAT!!

BUT, now I'm getting little tiny pimples on my forhead...almost like a slight rash. I'm guessing it's my skin reacting to the oil in Noxema, since I've been using oil free cleansers for a while now (but they haven't done the awesome job the Noxema is doing)

Any suggestions on how I can get rid of the little pimples with out making the bigger ones return? I figure this will happen if I stop using Noxema....Help Pleeease! I'm a model and need clear skin ASAP.

Pimple Problem...Help!!!?
i had really bad acne..but its been getting better

i wash my face, first thing in the morning(it also wakes you up) and right before i go to bed after i wash my face in the morning, i use a cream my doctor prescribed, tretnoin cream, you cant even tell its there, it doesn't make your face shiny or anything like that because i know some do, and at night, after i wash my face, i use toothpaste it sounds weird, but toothpaste is very helpful and dries it up and brings it to a head, leave the tooth paste on overnight(putting your hair up might help) and it will wash off in the morning when you wash your face

it works...i promise

it takes about a week or so to fully work..but once it works, you'll clear right up!!
Reply:Try ProActive - its good for teens and adults. Works well for little and big break outs. They also have a body wash and shampoo if you break out other areas. I will swear by it since I have been an acne fighter all my life and now at 30, I have clear skin.
Reply:just wash your face with soap and wipe your forehead with a tissue to get all the grease off, your probably getting them from the sweat so just wipe the sweat off and wash your face consistently
Reply:Take a nice warm shower and let your face get very wet and when you get out of the shower squeeze a little bit, if nothing comes out ok leave it alone for there, if you keep picking and squeezing it will double the size and double how long it lasts. If some gunk comes out, great!!! Then maybe try buying some 'Oxy Acne Cleaner' It gets rid of mine, over night! just gab a little bit of that on it and the next morning, wash it of with warm water. If that doesnt work, theres tecnology thats GREAT! Its a little zit zapper that gets rid of pimples and zits in 24 hours of less. Its called Zeno, you can buy it at Walgreens anywhere. Its a little on the pricey side! Its $149.99 but it works wonders! I hope this helps get rid of your acne and good luck with your modeling career!!! Best of Wishes
Reply:ACNE: proactive, my sister uses it and works really really well for her shes been using it for about 2 or 3 years.

ZITS: okay this really works for some people, right before bed put a dab of toothpaste(i think white works best dont know about the colored ones) on the zit. when you wake up the next morning just wash your face.
Reply:Have you tried Arbonne Clear Advantage ( It works really well for all acne in teens and adults. It is really good for people who have combination skin and naturally oily skin. There are also other products available to help control the oil secretions throughout the day to help further prevent breakouts.
Reply:check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs
Reply:Using too much OTC or prescribed products may make your skin 'immune' or react slower to the effects. Give your face a break and try traditional herbal remedies instead. I've seen the testimonials, they really work! Just remember to stop doing/eating whatever that could've caused the pimples to appear.

Fast Metabolism?

I'm a 23 year old male, that's 6'3" and 129 lbs. I need to slow my metabolism down so that I can gain weight. I should be between 155 to 170 lbs. I checked my BMI (Body-Mass Index) it's 16.2 kg/m2. My BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is 1670 kcals/day. I'm eating about 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day, and with no change in weight.

I also have high testosterone levels. Deep voice, still growing, and mild adult acne. I know that soy products have estergine (I don't what to become a woman or grow boobs). I just want to lower my testosterone level to maybe lower the rate of my metabolism, and be a healthy weight.

(Any info will help).

Many Thanks.

Fast Metabolism?
Hi Jacob! Calm down! At 23, it is impossible for you to still be growing. You sound like you may have a Hyperthyroid.. My husband is 5'11 and weight 115 (his sibling are thin too)

So for him it is a family trait to be extremely thin. Is anyone in your family very thin? Were you as this when you were a child, teenager? You need to go see an endocriologist. This is a Doc. that specializes in hormones. Voice your concerns and ask to have a thorough blood test that will check if your thyroid is overproducing thyroid hormones. When your thyroid is overactive, your metabolism speeds up, your heartrate is faster, and since the thyroid pretty much controls your body, it can have an effect on skin, hair, sleep etc. So, please just to put your mind at ease, go see a Dr. and lift weights to build healthy muscle mass. For extra calories, don't eat junk, have more carbs and at least one protein shake a day! Good Luck Jacob!
Reply:take pre-natal vitamins? Or women vitamins of some sort. maybe idk good question tho
Reply:A product like Carnation Breakfast Anytime could help you gain weight. Its a drink thats basically a meal but if you drink it and eat its like having two meals. Plus it has lots of the vitamins you need in a day. I have to drink it to stay a healthy weight because of my metabolism and i dontthink its different for a guy.
Reply:Creatine and Glutamine both can help put on some weight. Working out will help build muscle which helps increase weight not fat. You are very fortunate to have such a high metabolism. It will decrease as you get older and your body will slow down in a few years. I would not rush it though as your time will come. I would not take estrogen to counter act the high testosterone.

My step mother would always make fun of me because i am tall, and was very thin (like a tooth pick), and she wondered when i was going to put on some weight. I did when i hit 30 and got married. Enjoy it while you can.


Looking for a dermatologist in Manhattan who is not averse to prescribing accutane...?

Can anyone recommend a good skin specialist in Manhattan? I have bad adult acne and I was told accutane would help but I know some doctors don't like prescribing it.

Since I can't take much time off work to 'shop around' I need to go directly to a doctor who doesn't have an issue with accutance in the first place.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated..


Looking for a dermatologist in Manhattan who is not averse to prescribing accutane...?
Do you do know it has been linked to mental illness, such as depression and schizophrenia? This is probably the number one reason for doctors being unwilling to prescribe.

here is a link on that:

Why not try something homeopathic or herbal if you haven't yet tried anything more natural. Sulphur is something that has long been used for skin condtions. You can buy this as a homeopathic tablet from a health store. It would also be a good idea to use sulphur/volcanic soap too.

Here is a link on sulphur for acne.

Also, zinc helps with all skin conditions including acne.

Here is an article on nutrients that might help with acne, including zinc, vitamin A, and some of the B vitamins:

Yasmin or Yaz?

Should I try Yasmin before Yaz to help my adult acne?

Also, which is better for deep forehead creases? Botox? Restylane? Or, something else? I'm 31.

Yasmin or Yaz?
I'm not familiar with those products, so I can't advice you. A contributing factor to your acne case is your diet. You need to cut down on rich foods, and wash and bathe in hot water to open up your skin pores to clean out the build up that causes acne to develop.

night blooming cereus

Where do you start in diagnosing female issues without seeing a doctor?

I am a 37 year old female.I have been experiencing breast tenderness, extra drainage and different menstrual cycles. Some cycles are heavy. Some are light. I experience headaches with some. The flow is heavy one day, then barely spot, then nothing, then more spotting. It lasts the same duration every month. (5-7 days) Any ideas on where to start? The last blood work I had done was in Sept.2007 and everything was in the normal ranges. I also have adult acne which flares up with the hormone changes, but never completely goes away. Is there other options than taking the expensive pill every month to regulate hormones, if that even is the problem.

Where do you start in diagnosing female issues without seeing a doctor?
sounds like early menopause
Reply:This happens to me as well. I am 35 and had a tubal after my son was born almost 13 years ago. I was told it is normal after a tubal but a good hormone pill is about the only way to help it. If you don't plan on having more kids, you might consider a hysterectomy. good luck
Reply:Could be more than menopause....dermoid cysts also cause these kind of symptoms....happened to this 37 year old this year. You really should get it checked. Hormones change just as much in your 30's. You may have a hormone imbalance...that would explain some of the acne. Hope you feel better.

Has anyone ever used DermaDoctor PhysicalChemistry microdermabrasion/peel?

I saw it on I was thinking about purchasing it. I just want to know what were your results...especially those with oily/adult acne/sensitive skin.

Has anyone ever used DermaDoctor PhysicalChemistry microdermabrasion/peel?
Cant say i have!

Need help to Cleanse my liver...?

due to earlier question regarding adult acne one reader suggested I cleanse my liver - ok so now how do I do that??? what is good to eat/drink (prefer not to take too many pills)

they did suggest milk thistle (which probably isnt readily available in the grocery we have out here (I am in the country 1 hour from city) so what regular grocery store type stuff will help


Need help to Cleanse my liver...?
If you are going to rely on eating the cleansing agents, then you'd better be prepared for two to six months of consistent dietary changes before you'll feel any effect.

You can access a number of liver detoxification products through online health stores. This is probably the best and easiest route, since you live so far from town.

I tell you from experience, it's best to use high quality, guaranteed potency herbal extracts (which are a liquid form to be added to warm water - not pills), rather than solid food for liver cleanse. It's much more convenient, and quicker.

I suggest you do a bit of research first. Brand names of herbal extracts that I've used and recommend are, Gaia Herbs, Herbs Etc, and NOW products.

You can purchase these brands from many online sites.

Also, there are some online health assessment questionnaires that you can complete to help you get a better idea of what cleansing agents you should use.

***Online assessment is in no way a reliable substitution for a health evaluation from a certifed Naturopath or Dietician. But it is a good research tool to help point you in the right direction.

One permanent, simple life change you can make to help keep your liver healthier is to always add dandelion greens to your salad. And, make sure to eat raw, fresh leafy green every day.

Wishing you bountiful health!


I understand your frustration about wanting a direct answer to your direct question. The answer is: You can only perform liver cleansing by the 'JUST EATING REGULAR GROCERIES METHOD' with a significant time commitment, and sustained dietary changes. Hence, the reason why the answers you've received reference some product or another.

The quickest way to liver cleansing with only groceries is to buy loads of fresh, organic veggies - including: garlic, onions, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beets (root and leaves), black radish, red peppers, cabbage, asparagus, wheat grass, leafy greens including dandelion, various sprouts and several small, fresh lemons. Commit to a weekend juice fast. Use a juicer (not a blender ... a juicer gets much more of the nutrition close to the skin) to juice down all but the lemon. Spend Sat %26amp; Sun alternating between the fresh vegetable juice, and lemon water using fresh lemon.

Depending on the state of your liver and its toxicity, you may need to repeat the juice cleansing several times. It's alot of work to do it this way, that's to say nothing of the expense. You really might find purchasing high potency liquid herbals from the internet far more convenient, and ulitmately less expensive. Good luck.

Just eat regular square meals with lots of fruit and vegies.

DON'T experiment with drugs!

(that includes all those hip%26amp;chic diet supplements.)
Reply:try to get a hold of the "seven day miracle cleanse" on ebay or something like cleans the whole inside of your body, on only a 10 day preperation and you only need to eat herbs for the prep. and its just taking pills for the real seven days, plus they give you a tub of herbal tea with it.but follow the directions more than me. but look it up if it cleans your liver i think it does but im not sure. it still is amazing though, try it. oh and just to warn you its pretty expensive.
Reply:my grandmother told me to take charco-tabs. its charcoal, which is a great filter, but its ingestable.
Reply:ROCKSTAR Energy drink has milk thistle in it, so I read on the can. It sells for a bout $2.50 to $3 bucks for a 16 oz. can. Look in into it. I had never heard of milk thistle myself until I was reading the ingredients on this energy drink can.

Here's the link: