Friday, August 20, 2010

When should you STOP getting facials before your wedding?

Our wedding is May 31st of 2008....and my skin needs some *work* for it!

I have some mild adult acne on my cheeks and chin area and I'd like to see if a day spa glycolic peel would help any. Question is, when is the last possible month to get this done prior to the wedding? I'm thinking I should not get them done past March...

Anyone have any experience with this? What was your outcome....or even better....what is your skin regimen for your wedding?

When should you STOP getting facials before your wedding?
I have a friend who did facials a few months prior to her wedding. She looks very good on that day but after that she totally stopped and turn back into her usual pimple-face. Its like princess fiona looking pretty on her wedding nite n turned back to her ogre persona after that.

my point is, facials can only temporarily 'fix' your face from the outside. if u want lasting results u have to work from the inside.

Pimples/acne appear because your body is trying to detox, which is the function of your liver. if it is overworked, your body will detox through your skin, will shows up as pimples. Therefore during this period, avoid 'heavy' food like deep fried stuff, heaty stuff, and stay away from chocolate n coffee. The best is to eat fruits. plenty of them. they are easily digested, and help to clean up your interior. u have 3 months, which is more than enough to use fruits to flush out all your internal toxics. if u can take it, eat fruits and fruits alone. yes u can survive on that (human beings are created to eat fruits, not meat or junk food). trust me your skin will glow. sure way to make u lose weight too. but if u have to take some meat, take fish. not fried. take fruits before other food, not after.

i take mostly fruits for lunch. i keep breakfast and dinner light. my skin is blemish-free.
Reply:generally stop having facials a week or two before the wedding to let your skin heal. after that wash, tone, and moisturize.
Reply:You should stop getting facials a week and a half to two weeks before your wedding although facials can make your face look better they can also cause a pimple are two and if your skin is sensitive and does break out you should stop two weeks before your wedding but if you do get a pimple it should clear up in that two week period and leave your face looking beautiful
Reply:Only you can answer this. Everyones skin is different. Some people can have a facial today, break out tomorrow and be healed by Tuesday, Other people might not heal for a week.

I would find a day spa that you are comfortable with. Start getting facials there and build a relationship with the person doing them. Once you 've had a few, the two of you can determine a schedule leading up to your wedding.
Reply:oh god, as soon as I saw the word "facial" I knew some guy would jump all over it! lol They probably want facials befure, during and after the ceremony! haha
Reply:I just read a bridal book that said one month before or you will break out. I've never had a facial, so I don't know, though.
Reply:I'd say 2 weeks before the wedding is a good time to stop getting them. Have them suggest a regimen for you. I use Murad and I absolutely love it! it's pricey but a little goes a long way...definately worth the money!
Reply:I use proactiv! This stuff is AMAZING. All of my adult acne is gone!! If i have a pimple the renew facial mask takes it right out. Good luck.
Reply:You shouldn't be taking any facials until your wedding night. HAHAHA see what I did there?!?


I'm sorry.

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