Friday, August 20, 2010

I need advice from women, do period breakouts lesson after 20?

My mom and I argue about this, I'm 17, almost 18 and this past year I've been breaking out alot before my period only. I'm worried it's going to get worse or turn into adult acne. My mom claims however it's normal and by my twenties it should be totally fine. She said she only got an ocassional pms zit then, not any more regular breakouts. Women out there, do you find this to mostly be true? Do hormones settle down out of your teens and the breakouts lesson?

I need advice from women, do period breakouts lesson after 20?
Yes it will subside, very soon I would say since you are almost 18. I just got the odd spot until I was about 20.
Reply:Mine have slightly over the past 3 years--I am now 22. I still have some acne with my period but not nearly like before.
Reply:it all depends on your gentics and how you care for your skin. try proactive. it works wonderfully!
Reply:I didn't get breakouts until I was in my early 20's! But yes, it will subside when you get older. Try to cure the acnes by using acne cream, to lessen the problem.
Reply:It is my understanding that it can vary with people; depending on their genes.

For me, I have always broken out a little during my period after age 20 and still do at 45. The zits go away after my period is over.

I never break out at any other time.

During my teens, I never had acne (due to sun-damaged skin), but I would get zits occasionally in my oily zone around the nose. My periods during my teens were very irregular. My few zits did not seem to have any pattern with my sporadic periods. I would go months without periods.

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