Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I feel.. Ugly?

Ive been living my life with horrible adult acne and have ried almost everything from over the counter stuff, to the doctor. When I look in the mirror I see someone ugly. Sometimes random people on the street whisper to me that i'm ugly and people make hurtful remarks. I was to the point of suicide since I have other huge problems in my life.. and this adds to that.

Any advice on what to do?

I feel.. Ugly?
Yes. Don't give a **** what people think.

Hell, I've been fat my entire life, and I figured out what type of person I should consider a friend, and those are really the only people I let myself be concerned with.

The only reason anyone would ever talk badly about you is because they don't know you, and if they do know you and don't like you, there is either something wrong with you or them.
Reply:have you tried proavtive? also dont wash your face with any body soab u need a mild soap one meant for the face, wash you face three times a day even with just water to keep oil from building up stay away from greasy foods...and set up a appt with a dermatoligist..suicide is not the answer not for anything
Reply:Wow...that is really mean of those people :/

Have you tried pro-active? I did not work for me, but I know it works for lots of other people. I know you said that you have been to your doctor, but have you been to a dermatologist? They are skin specialist so I'm sure that they will find something. Also try to stay away from stress because those can cause breackouts. Also, wash your face after you get sweaty, or if it feels olily, but try not to touch your face to ofton.
Reply:first off, i want to say and truly mean it that you are beautiful no matter what. smile. you are pretty. don't listen to what they say, it is hard, but why make yourself upset, when they are people you don't know and don't care about? keep trying at the dermatologists. i am currently on a medication in pill form. it really worked for me. i was in your situation, i felt so ugly. but when i look back at pictures, it was only on the surface. i was still the same wonderful person. and you are the same. you are beautiful, don't focus on the surface. smile, your beautiful.
Reply:First off....No more suicide thoughts....we are all human and we are all beautiful people. You need to see a therapsit or doctor for the mental side of this also. I used to feel this way but have learned to feel different about myself, but please get somwhere if you have any suicide thoughts. If you have any questions you may email me
Reply:Hey I have adult acne and to be honest, the treatment I am on made it 100% go away! I am on minocycline 100mg once a day, retin a and 6% triaz wash. this combination took away my welted looking acne face and I now have totally clean skin! I understand the depression acne can give you but see a dermatologist and get on a skin care regimen that will work.
Reply:Have you tried a microdermabrasion? Its quite pricey but it gets rid of acne.
Reply:Ask your doctor about RETIN-A...it is just for acne,..and it also does something else, it smooths out lines and wrinkles...It is easy for all of us to tell you not to let it get to you, but believe me, I can relate in my own way...it is horrible to feel like you are being stared at, especially if it is something that you can't help...get the retin-a...it is a miracle drug,...but until then, try the proactive, although I have never had experience with it...the retin a is JUST FOR ACNE..and it works amazingly...your insurance will cover it...God Bless honey, and drink lots of water cut out the soda's,...eat lots of salad, and change your diet if you have too...the problem with acne, is that it stresses you out, and the stress, causes acne...God bless darling, you're going to be okay...but don't kill yourself...please, banish the thought...too many people who love you would be soooooo sad....and so would God and so would Jesus....xxxx

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