Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My mom wokeup up with break out?

My mom just woke up with breakout all over her face, she doesnt usually have this , so we know it is not adult acne. the doctor said that its roseia sickness (rose sickness?) but we arent sure. they look like little bites and they are really red thank you for any answers

My mom wokeup up with break out?
I believe it is called rosacea. It is a common skin problem and nothing fatal or serious, though it could be very distressing. You can research this on the internet to get information about how to deal with it. Check out Pubmed, for example.

Sometimes doctors will give a diagnosis from their impression and it will be a symptom of something bigger. Your mom should keep a diary of symptoms. The best way to do this is to open a Word document and type in a daily log of her symptoms, what she does for it, other health symptoms, etc. and also insert a digital picture of her skin with each daily log. This could help the doctor diagnose further if needed.

You can also look at wrongdiagnosis.com for ideas, but don't get alarmed if serious diseases show up as possibilities. They just give you all the possibilities so you can research further and don't give actual diagnoses.

So, in general, I would say not to be alarmed but to keep track of what is going on and any symptoms happening at the same time. There are treatments for rosacea. And, I recently read about a new breakthrough but can't remember what it is. So, look it up.

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