Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Okay, I have a question about face cream.?

I am looking for a face cream that does the following. evens out skin tone, fades freckles, treats adult acne(just a little acne)and prevents wrinkles. I know, I know!!! it sounds like I'm asking for a miracle cream. But really! is there such a product out there that anyone has tried? please let me know. OH! please don't tell me oil of olay, because I've tried oil of olay before on my oily skin and it made my skin even more oily and shiny. I don't want that. Please let me know what to try.

thank you.

Okay, I have a question about face cream.?
if you live in the USA, you need to go to a better department store and they can help. dillards, macy's....can all offer estee lauder or something of that nature. they also have the make over counters.
Reply:It doesn't exist!
Reply:100% Cocoa butter! It may not do all of the things you want, but I'm not sure anything will do that!

I've been using pure cocoa butter (not the stuff found at stores, it has to be 100%) and my skin is so fresh and clear! It's helping to fade some old acne scars on my chin and making my skin very smooth and soft.

Also, try a natural face wash as this will help even more with evening out your skin tone and making it glow!

Here's a site that has lots of homemade natural tips and recipes: http://www.simplynaturalskin.com/Face.ht...
Reply:go to a vitamin shop or health food store that sells derma cream....they have all different kinds, some full of vit c, some for fading, wrinkles etc... these are better than alot of overpriced department store creams and do not take as much toll on your wallet!!
Reply:Wow! Any cream that says it can all of that is going to be an expensive lesson to live with. The best thing is to have a daily skin care reginmen that you follow.

Washing with hot water dissolves oil better than cold or lukewarm water. Use a natural soap or lightly medicated soap and massage lightly up and out- do not rub it into the face as this will clog pores.

Once daily- mix equal parts lemon juice and water, apply to the face and air dry, then rinse with warm water followed with a cool water rinse and air or PAT dry with a soft clean towel. The citric acid in the lemon juice acts much like an alpha hydroxy peel without the harsh chemicals- this will help with the skin tone and fading freckles but is not an overnight relief. Patience is rewarded with results.

Witchhazel is available in the drugstore on the same aisle as rubbing alcohol. This is a wonderful natural astringent and will help dry up oil as well and help clean the pores to reduce breakouts. Apply with a cottonball or pad and allow to air dry.

As for wrinkles- and I am battling them in menopause.... Your skin is a living organism and needs plenty of water first of all so drink up and love your skin! You can boil lavender flowers and mint leaves in water -strain and keep in a spray bottle set on mist in a cool dark place as a pick me up refresher/stress reducer/and oil reducer (the lavender is naturally good for reducing oiliness) to spritz on your face.

Olive oil is nourishing to the skin- all it takes is a drop on wet hands. Rub your hands together and then your face and neck for an inexpensive and chemical free moisturizer.

Love yourself! Avoid harsh chemicals that will only speed up the aging process.

Reply:You should try Arbonne's RE9 Anti Aging Sytem, I have a friend who can provide you free sample to try at home.

I had marks of my face from pregnancy and sun spots that have faded as well as my acne, oil and my skin is even and look young and fresh.
Reply:it doesn't have to be a miracle cream to do all that..

to even out skin tone, fade freckles and control mild acne, and prevent wrinkles, use a mild skin lightening soap and a good antiaging moisturizer... these work beautifully together. :-)


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