Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why is my face so shiny?

It started around Jan. of last year. I got off the pill for about 4 months and my skin went bazurk! I broke out and my skin became oily and shiny. I used to have almost perfect skin, other than the occasional pimple around my period. I've gotten the acne to subside a little. I still break out every now and then pretty bad, but I always a few big zits. I use neutrogena oil free foaming face wash, then I either use witch hazel or some other astrigent for toner and just recently started using neutrogena oil free moisturizer. but my face is still so SHINY! I hate it. It's kinda emberassing you know. I don't really where alot of makeup other than eye shadow, mascara, chapstick and occasionally blush. I will not use face powder or anything like that. There has got to be something to get the shine away. Are my toners making my face shiny? Should I give my moisturizer a few more weeks and maybe that'll take the shine down? I dont know what to do! I think I've developed adult acne. Help!!!!

Why is my face so shiny?
You're doing everything else right, by regular cleansing and toning, but unfortunately going off the pill can have some nasty side effects for our skin, in your case, oily skin. When you moisturize, you should be using a a Mattifying moisturizer, like Clearasil All Day Mattifying. They work by moisturizing your skin while they soak up extra oil on the skin's surface. You're doing right by moisturizing because it restores your skin's pH balance... moisture restores the water in your skin, if you didn't moisturize it could make your skin even oilier.

Drink plenty of water, and exfoliate once a week to make sure the oil isn't sitting on your skins surface, also use a mask once a week. Blotting sheets will be your lifesaver, although be careful what you buy, the Clean %26amp; Clear ones actually have Mineral Oil IN them.. so check the ingredients in the back, The Body Shop blotting sheets might work for you. when you feel shiny, just take one out and pat it gently (don't rub) on the oily areas and it will soak up all the oil, so if you're uncomfortable with wearing powder, this will really work for you.

You could also see a dermatologist who will go through options with you. You could invest in a skin system designed for acne that will help the onset of Adult Acne such as Proactive, but a dermatologist can examine your skin and suggest what is really the root of it and your best options.
Reply:u have an oily face
Reply:that means u hav an oily face i sugges not 2 use vasilin to use a skkkin cream like proactive or to wash ur face with soap but not bar soap th liquid soapand and it might be a symptom to those pills it happens
Reply:use acneefree! twenty dollars, you can get it at any local drug store! Makes your face beautiful! You're getting this because of oily skin, but you can trat it on your own. It's much safer to use cometing that you know you can trust. Acneefree is much better than proactiv! You can even get it at Walmart! It'll do the trick. I had results overnight on my first use!
Reply:Well, here are a few things that may help you:

1) there are little wipes that pick up all the oil off your face and the brand is Clean and Clear, though I'm sure there are probably others as well. It's super easy to carry around and whenever you need it you just pull one out and throw it away when you're done. If you are embarassed to use it in public, you can always go to a nearby restroom or use the mirror in your car, for example. I'm sure you can find it at a drug store like Walgreens or any place where they sell skin products.

2) you can start buying make-up and facial cleansers that are "oil-free." I use oil-free products myself and let me tell you, they are awesome! Although, be sure to use moisturizer from time to time otherwise you'll probably end up in the other extreme which is dry skin.

Hope that helps! ^ ^
Reply:Hey Nia,

Well just FYI adult acne affects 50% of women and 25% of men. I have suffered with it too. Believe it or not, acne can also be hormonal. Many women respond greatly after taking the pill, and then there are those that suffer the adverse reaction.

Oily skin usually means an excess of sebum being produced in your pores. It is really difficult to manage, but some options inlcude:

1. Steam baths once a week for your face. They draw out impurities and dirt that can cause bacteria to build up and produce a pimple.

2. Apply a clay mask to your face once a week. Can be combined with the steam bath. Ultra marines in clay masks is a plus.

3. Dust on a basic zea mays (cornstarch) facial powder or kaolin (clay) facial powder throughout the day. Make sure there are no chemical preservatives like parabens or sodium laureths. These powders do not contain color to mask your face.

4. Drink plenty of water, and organic green tea (if you can)

Hope it helps!!!
Reply:Your skin is oily like mine. The good thing is that you will not get wrinkles any time soon. The bad thing is that you get shiny. My dermatologist told me that I should not wear any moisturizer. I can see that he was so accurate because even when I used oil free moisturizers, my skin became very oily.

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