Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What can you do for extremely oily hair & skin? I've tried almost every product out there & wash twice a day.

I've tried almost every product out there, I have to wash my hair at least once or twice a day because it is so oily bu time I go to bed %26amp; wash my face twice a day. I have tried all the "acne" meds out there I think %26amp; over the counter products too. I have developed adult acne on my face, shoulders %26amp; back.. all of these problems started in my 20's. I'm tired of spending all my money at the pharmacies. My makeup does not even last on my skin more than a few hours at most. Any advice will be appreciated.. thanks!

What can you do for extremely oily hair %26amp; skin? I've tried almost every product out there %26amp; wash twice a day.
If that's oily I'd suggest Dawn liquid dish soap for your hair. It will make it dryer.

Sounds like you need to go to a dermatologist to get a prescription med to battle the acne.
Reply:Use tea tree oil shampoo. It seriously works. Also, don't touch your hair with your hands. Don't use much conditioner and make sure it's specialized for oily hair.

For your skin, I'm in the same boat. Hmm. I use Clear and Clear oil blotting sheets but that's not a solution to the problem. At least we won't get wrinkles as early as the others...
Reply:I'm not sure about the face, but for the hair....I have oily hair and my beautician suggested I wash it in a mixture of brown sugar and shampoo (equal parts). I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to tomorrow night! Also, I have been told baking soda will cut the oil in your hair as well.

As for your face, have you tried the Clinique line of products? They are wonderful for your face and skin.
Reply:ever try aveda products and mac cosmetics? Im oily too, but they work great.
Reply:drink less water maybe? I know when I am dehydrated I am less greasy
Reply:brush in a light dusting of baby powder in your hair wiht a hogs hair brush it soaks the oil wiht out leaving any residue
Reply:I don't know if it will work for you but I use st. ives apricot scrub, all over my body...and it gives me a clean feeling...and I had acne on my face..and I used the scrub everyday...and within a week or so it went away...now i'm trying to get rid of the acne "marks" they leave behind...

Reply:DONT OVERWASH!!! overwashing makes your body think its under attack...then just produces more oil ...
Reply:since you have tried most products. home remedies are in the home. mild liquid is some times better for hair Palmolive original. for the acne consult a Mary Kaye consultant. She Had some very good product for skin care.
Reply:You might actually be washing too much. Your skin needs SOME of that oil and when you keep washing it away, it thinks it has to make more. If you're in your 20s you shouldn't need to wash your hair more than once a day - or maybe even every other day.

Washing your face twice a day is good. But again - against logic - put on an oil-free moisturizer after. I use one of the Clean %26amp; Clear varieties with salicylic acid.

I didn't know there was such a thing as tea tree oil shampoo - but The Body Shop's tea tree oil products are great to spot treat acne. Zits just dry right up under that stuff. I also like to use Neutrogena's Advanced Solutions Acne Mark Fading Peel a few times a week. It doesn't just fade old marks, I think it helps new acne from forming too.

I hope that helps.
Reply:Washing too often can cause your skin %26amp; scalp to become more oily. It causes your face to produce more oil in response to being dry. And skipping moisturizing is just as bad.

Most oil control products are harsh %26amp; overly drying to the skin. I had to search for products that are less chemically created %26amp; more natural (like pure witch hazel astringent rather than benzoil peroxide). Avon makes a great moisturizer that I use (as I have oily scalp %26amp; skin as well). It's called "True Porefection" %26amp; is under the acne treatment section. I don't even wear foundation any more since finding this product. Just a lil powder %26amp; light blush %26amp; I can go all day with a touch up here %26amp; there (using oil blotting strips). Too much powder causes over-drying as well.

As for hair care, products with tea tree oil are great. Also, the less perfume %26amp; colorants in a product, the better. They often irritate sensitive skin which compounds the problem.

And the last thing I can think of is to visit your doctor with your concerns. If you feel you've tried everything, it could very well be hormonal. Possibly something birth control pills or a vitamins could help with.
Reply:this worked for me: put shampoo in your hair when it is dry then leave it in for a minuet (when you get your hair wet it covers the oil so you cant get most of it out when you use the shampoo) then wash it normally in the shower
Reply:as a professional i know that the more you wash the more oil your body produces. So first start with a tea tree oil shampoo (paul mitchell and american crew make good ones) and alternate washing with a clarifing shampoo. Start out by cutting shampooing down to once a day and then try to bring it to two days. I know it sounds bad, but trust me, it'll work in the long run.

as for your skin, certain types of make up can make it worse, especially if you are using a talc based (and mac is talc based) products. Again the more you wash and the harsher the product the more oil you will produce. Now I know this is going to seem stupid, but use a water based moisturizer in the morning. Your body is producing oil because it's sensing dry skin and hair. So if you moisturize a little over time it'll help. I also like Neutragena's Rapid contol Oil Controlling products. To get rid of ance and to help control oil, basic rubbing alcohol helps (it's old school, but works). Good luck!
Reply:Also, do you use conditioner? Conditioner can over grease hair...on the skin part, it might be genetic or weather related.
Reply:for hair, eat a balanced and healthy diet.

vitamin e is good for the hair

it is moisturizing

and vitamin a

is good for the scalp

and healthy hair growth

protein makes ur hair grow faster than anything else because

hair is basically made of protein


eat eggs.. and dairy products

yogurt, milk, soymilk, and tofu are great examples

citrus fruits are also good for the hair.. and seaweed has a lot of vitamin a. vitamin a can be found in leafy veggies and carrots, especially. it is important to drink enough water to keep ur hair hydrated. 8-10 glasses is suggested for healthy hair growth. also, iron plays an important role in maintaining and growing healthy hair. iron brings oxygen to the hair, allowing it to breathe like us basically

(not the same way obviously)

and so if u dont take enough iron.. ur hair will be starved of oxygen and lose its shine, luster, etc.

b vitamins are also great for the hair. salmon, coldwater fish, and sardines are great fish that contain many of the vitamins hair needs.

i hope this information helped you!!

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