Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Could i have PCOS? late by 10 days, 3 negative tests weird symptoms?

I am late for my period over a week, had protected sex and taken 3 negative tests (doc appt on monday for the final blood test) but im wondering if it could be PCOS? I was late like this earlier this year but didnt think anything of it. I carry weight only around my tummy (love handles ugh), developed adult acne about a year ago and its terrible! i never had acne when i was a teen around my face/mouth and back and between my breasts, i have terrible anxiety, and they all seem like symptoms of this, just wondering from anyone who has it when they developed it, i am almost 22, any advice would be great. thank you

Could i have PCOS? late by 10 days, 3 negative tests weird symptoms?
Women recieve periods late all the time. Ive had a period about a month late before. Wait for blood results and consult a doctor about PCOS. Good luck
Reply:sounds like stress to me but i dunno what pcos is either
Reply:Only your doctor can tell you if you have PCOS. Though weight gain and acne are symptoms, I've never heard of anxiety being a sign. It only takes one symptom for your Dr. to diagnose you with PCOS. You could or could not have it, either way it's not the end of the world. There are ways to treat PCOS. While there is no cure, with the right diet, exercise, and medication (if needed) you should get rid of your symptoms all together. Best wishes%26lt;3
Reply:I just wonder what PCOS is because my friend has had all the exact same symptoms as you. She was over a week late. She did end up getting her period, but I just wondered what it was.
Reply:I am 22 too, and I have it, have your doctor give you a hormoanl test, hell test your levels, you may be out of wach a bit with one or the other, it may not be PCOS, but PCOS is a hormonal dissorder that effects every aspect of your health, its managable, you just need a good support system. Anyway, I think I have like one min left to write before your question closes, if you need anything else feel free to e-mail me mybillingbox@yahoo.com

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