Friday, August 20, 2010

My face always flares up red and i get dry skin on the cheeks and nose and chin?

went to doctors and was told to put on metrogel cream and i had adult acne.i'm a 25 year old male,it seems to flare up especially when itches and is only on my face.nothing works can anybody help me please??

My face always flares up red and i get dry skin on the cheeks and nose and chin?
Those are all good answers above. Also, you could try improving your diet or identifying dietary allergies, since problems with that can sometimes come out in the skin. Another possibility is rosacea, which matches some of the symptoms you describe.

Don't let the doctors just pass it off as "acne." I would recommend against using acne creams and cortisone creams, or just watch your skin's reaction when you use them, as they can cause more harm than good. I would recommend seeking the advice of a homeopath or naturopath, because homeopathic medicine is useful for skin problems.
Reply:Maybe you have shingles. My cousin has shingles and she gets it about 1x per year. You're describing her symptoms perfectly.
Reply:got the same type of thing! i never had spots as a teenager but lately iv had them all over my face!

i bought a microdermabrasion kit(loreal) off that well known auction site a week ago( and it seems to be working for me!

ok for blokes too as i have noticed that the boyf has used it too!!!
Reply:I had similar problems and my doctor said it's not adult acne but a kind of dermatitis. He prescribed a hydrocortisone cream and the improvement was rapid and dramatic. I had different doctors give me all sorts of nasty creams first though and they just made matters worse. Talk to a different doc and ask if you can try a mild steroid cream. You can't use it for prolonged periods but if you manage to get on top of things it might really help. Once my skin improved and wasn't painful I found a gentle exfoliator helped too. Good Luck.
Reply:if you use creams or washes you may need to seek advice from your doctor incase you are having an allergic reaction. if this is not the case then get a moisturising cream so that your skin stys well hydrated
Reply:Go to boots and buy some unperfumed cleanser and a rich face cream. If that doesnt work you may be allergic to chemicals in products that you are using on your skin. Go to a health food shop or organic shop and buy a cleanser free of chemicals and a rich moisteriser. You can apply the moisterser on the dry patches several times a day. Also try a gentle face scrub to get rid of the dry flakeness.
Reply:I am thinking possibly Cold Urticaria, for which there are tablets you can take and it lessens significantly in cold weather, and goes away in warmer weather. When you see your primary doctor, please ask him if this is a possibility.
Reply:try and get a triamcinolone acetonide cream. a doc perscribed it for my daughter, had similar symptoms, worked like a charm. you may have an allergy to what ever soap you're using. try a benadril anti itch cream. and then a coco butter stick it looks like a big tube of chapstick helps the chapped thing. for the stress do some yoga, deep breaths. find something that helps to calm you. start a journal, sort and expel some of you thoughts/stresses on paper.
Reply:Use something natural like repcillin, try using it on one side of you face only. It works for most people, but you want to see how well it works for you. It is amazing stuff and it is 100% natural.
Reply:I couldnt help but read your post and think to myself that I was right where you were 6 months and seems like 1000 wrinkles ago.

I went through the exact same thing. I tried various products and did tons of research online before I found Oil of Olay was basically giving their product away for free.

All I had to do was answer a few auestions, They are a well known national name brand for facial and skin care, everyone knows Oil of Olay.

And I am telling you this Oil of Olay Regenerist works and it made a believer out of me.

I posted the link below for you to click and check out. This stuff works and believe me - for a few minutes of your time and no cost to you, you owe it to yourself to try and all you would lose is a few minutes of your time!

Good Luck and keep the faith, you will get younger looking skin with this product and this stuff helped me achieve my dreams as well!

Your Friend,


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