Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hi.....Some advice from your own experience would be helpful......?

I am in my mid-20's and suffer from some mild to moderate acne. I believe that the acne is a reflection of hormones (too much androgens flowing around). I was on ortho-tri-cyclin for about 2 years and the acne did improve. I went off of it for about 5 months and now the acne has returned. I called my dr to get a refill and the nurse did not like the idea of prescribing me b.c. pills just for acne. Ortho-tri-cyclin is FDA approved for acne, so I'm not understanding why this wouldn't be prescribed for this? I have tried all the antibiotics (minocylin, tricyclin, etc) for acne, though I do not like the idea of taking antibiotics everyday for years (which is what I had been doing, and found it to be completely ineffective with the acne). I believe my adult acne is more hormonal. Can I get peoples thoughts/experiences on this? Has this medication really helped with your acne and you would suggest this to others as a treatment? Thank you!

Hi.....Some advice from your own experience would be helpful......?
accutane. it's extreme, but a permanent solution to acne.
Reply:You might go to planned parenthood. They would give it to you for acne.

Some doctors won't perscribe birth control for religious reasons... some doctors, I suppose, don't approve of it for acne. However, it IS effective for mild acne, so either talk to your doctor more, or get in touch with PP.
Reply:Im only 18 but my face breaks out pretty bad and when i went on birth control it got better, and when i went off it got worse, so now I am going back on it just to clear my skin!
Reply:I know this is a left field idea but have you had a look at your diet? When I eat crap food and dont drink lots of water I get lots of acne but when I watch what i eat my skin clears up.

Just another thought!
Reply:I agree with Bec B, from personal experience.

Diet plays an extremely important role in our health. If our bodies aren't fed properly, our bodies don't "act" properly. That includes acne, body odor, and many many other things.

I'm reading a book called Earth's Elders: The Wisdom of the World's Oldest People. I suggest reading it to gain valuable insight on longevity and good health. :-)

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