Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Girlfriends vagina has itche for almost 2 years now.?

She has tried everything to releive the itching! Blood tests, countless cultures, biopsies, creams of all types, no undies, different kinds of undies, scentless everything, diet, biofeedback. Everything i can think of....

We first though it was Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome, but have come to find that it is not hte vestibule that is always itching. It tends to spread around alot. Sex is impossible. Little white or red bumps will appear every now and then along with the irritation (outside of labia). Also, she has some infrequency with urinating. She pees many times a day, and it will stop midstream alot.

Other side symptoms she has: Athsma, Eczema sometimes, Shingles in the past, Adult Acne.

Please do not give the answer see an OBGYN or a specialist. This is obvious. Looking for someone with a similar problem.

We have not had sex since dinosaurs roamed the earth, so we are good there. Any quality help would be amazing to salvage what relationship we have left. Thanks!

Girlfriends vagina has itche for almost 2 years now.?
The other symptoms you describe (asthma, eczema, shingles, acne) lead me to believe that she might have an overgrowth of candida (yeast) throughout her body. Try an anti-candida diet and STICK TO IT for 6 weeks. Research it on the net, but here's something to get you started: http://chetday.com/candida.html It's not a fun diet but it really, really works. Email me if you have questions.
Reply:did you tey having sex to see if it would make it any better?
Reply:It's really good that you are still around in the relationship and trying to help her sort this out. Is she still working at this maid company? If she is then maybe she could try and avoid the chemicals for a long while to make them come out of her system and see if that is the cause.

Sorry to hear about this. Good Luck
Reply:Knowing that she has seen and tried just about everything, I don't think there's anything more she can truly do.

As for salvaging the relationship, maybe there's been too much focus on this and not enough on her as an individual. Maybe it's time for a beauty makeover....a day at the spa.

Granted, figuring out this problem would be great, but it doesn't sound like it can be figured out....one of life's mysteries.

Bring her flowers, take her to her favorite restaurant, surprise her the best way you know how. Just focus on her!!! Good luck!
Reply:Does she drink a loy of caffine or acidic drinks like O.J. or apple juices? Or eat a lot of acidic fruits? That's something to thing about. My daughter is like that if she takes in to much acid. She can't drink juices or a lot of caffine. We had to figure that out for ourselves. Doctors were not sure. It has stopped now.
Reply:Yeast may be the main factor. But also I am sure you tried this but didn't list it but have you changed the soaps she uses in the bath? Dove sensitive skin works the best for no added irritation. She should also try (if she hasn't already) A allergy skin graph. She may be around something everyday that she is allergic to. Has she tried also different kinds of panties? She could be allergic to silk thats not uncommon or cotton or mabe even poliester. Which is why a skin graph might be a healthy thing to try.
Reply:I understand where she is coming from, and it is horrible to bare with. But my problems are with allergies. I'm allergic to over 100 things and i always in up with hives every where, in and out of my vagina, in my ears, in my throat, in my eyes and on my skin. If i can catch the hives quick enough and take a spray in the nose or rub benadryl on them it will ease the pain some..but she does need to go to the dermitoligist if she hasnt already gone to one, and i was also told that if my thyroid was messed up it would also give me these kinds of symtems..type in reasons for itchy vaginas and see what all you come up with. Please dont leave her, if you love her enough then your love will over come this, just give her time to figure out what the problem is i understand its been over 2 years now,,but your answer is out there some where...god bless you and her and i wish you the best...

i looked this up and came across 1000's of web sights for this here is one of them

Reply:does she shave down there??? because she maybe getting irritation from shaving and she will just have to deal with the hair. and i do agree that she has to lay off sugar, yeast and just plan try a raw food diet for about 2-3 months and if it doesn't clear god help your relationship because i think she is stuck with it.

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